[Final Announcement] IronToader For DAL Party President

Day 1,151, 06:57 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

This is my final announcement till Party Elections. DAL has been at the number one spot for a long time, but we are satisfied with that. As many other DAL PP manifestos have said “We need to get more DAL members” But this is what I say “We don’t just need more members we need active members” that is my selective goal. Most of DAL is inactive or 2-clicking. Time for DAL spread it’s inner wings, it’s time to fly!

"Put I.T. In Leadership!"
~George Kirk

I can see the future

Isin’t that great?

Party President Candidature Articles


Platform / Manifesto

Vote IronToader as your DAL Party President! FOR CHANGE

DAL Party President Candidate