[Federalist Press] R&R Writing Contest

Day 1,747, 12:05 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1747 - September 1, 2012

Hello Federalist Party!

As some of you know, the Federalist Party is the greatest Political party in all of eRep. We are a tight group that has fun playing this game, and plays it with respect and integrity. So the Party Leadership has decided that it is time for more people to know about how awesome we are, and who better to tell them than YOU!

We are therefore having a writing contest for party members.

Here's the deal. Every party member is eligible to submit one article. The article should be titled "Why I love being a Fed". All submissions should be PM'ed to bigcdizzle by reset of day 1756. Fed leadership will then discuss and vote on which submission they believe best captures the essence, and displays how awesome-sauce we are. Bigcdizzle will contact the winner, and runner-up so that they can recieve their winnings.

On that note...


-The winner's article will be featured in the Federalist Press
-It will be PM'ed and shouted to all current, and prospective party members
-The winning article will be guaranteed a spot in the top 5
-The winner will also recieve 10 Gold

The runner up will also have their article featured in the Federalist Press, and will recieve a prize of 5 Gold.

So go for it! Tell us how great the Federalist party is. You may get gold and glory for giving us your thoughts!

On another note, the Fed Recruitment Department is going to be opening a Federalist Mentoring program to help new citizens. This will be a program to help newer players learn the ropes of both the party, and eRep as a whole. If you are relatively new to eRep, the party, or just want to learn a little more, drop bigcdizzle (he's everywhere....) a PM about becoming a mentee.

We will also need qualified individuals to help run the Mentor program. If you have been playing for some time, and have significant experience in eRep, apply here to be a Federalist Mentor.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more of the most up to date info concerning the Federalist Party.

If YOU would like to contribute, please contact Malarkey83 with your submission.

If you would like your paper listed here, please contact Malarkey83 with your link!