Day 1,119, 01:54 Published in Serbia Philippines by Nuclear Mrle1982

Имао сам једног... познаника, ОК лик, духовит, паметан, много волео да пије хладан нес без шлага и чашу воде, осим када неко други части. Е, онда је обавезно узимао дупли виски. У мом друштву је био обичај да људи за свој рођендан часте екипу. Некако се увек он налазио ту, увек бивао чашћаван, а када додђе ред на њега, једноставно испари. Логично, не долази више на рођендане, чак јако дуго нисам ни чуо за њега...
Слично се осећам сада када погледам однос у нашем савезу. Навикао сам да у својим новинама пишем оно што мислим, искрено, без увијања и без страха да ће се неко осетити увређеним.

Наш савез је мртав!

Наш савез не постоји и коме то није јасно има озбиљних проблема. Није проблем у Бразилу, нити у Бугарској. Они су из неких својих добрих или лоших разлога изашли, у то нећу да улазим, а ја сваког дана видим све више разлога да ми раскантамо ово. Што би се рекло, ми смо га створили, ми ћемо и да га уништимо. Наш савез без нас је група грађана. Моје мишљење је да се велики број чланица Феникса понаша као паразит који живи захваљујући нама, храни се нама, узима нам све, а ништа не даје за узврат.
Проблем је и у нама. Ми у свакој чорби морамо да будемо мирођија. Јуче гледам борбу Немаца и Пољака, последња рунда. Наши људи бију као бесни, пржи се злато, тенкови... Шта смо добили за узврат? Најважнија борба у Босни синоћ, колико је било страних војника? У пола три се тенкује, са наше стране сем Батала и великих пријатеља Бразилаца ретко који странац. Изуретак су наравно Мађари који увек шаљу војску и тенкове када су нам потребни. И није то једини пример. Ми плаћамо МПП са свим тим земљама да би њих бранили? Извините господо, али не требате нам! Много тога и код нас мора да се промени, али за почетак, плати па се клати. Одеш код Гида, кажеш: Председниче, треба нам 500000 штете, Гид каже, нема проблема, то је 100 голда, кад пошаљеш, шаљем тенка.

Ово важи и за цивиле. Залудан, какав јесам, гледам јуче борбе по свету. Свуда наши аватари цепају, лепо је то, али имамо ми наша наређења, наше приоритете. Део људи јури медаље, део људи ни не размишља, само удара... Морамо да постанемо свесни да сада више нема мира. Сада се борбе отварају хтели то ми или не, све док не потпишемо мир када останемо без голда. И Хрвати и ми. До тада морамо да сабијемо редове, да мало приштедимо и да изаберемо савезнике о којих и ми можемо да имамо корист. Савез се склапа ако и једни и други имају шта да пруже, а не само једна страна. Моје мишљење је да Србија под хитно мора да изађе из ове вештачке творевине и да добро размисли кога ће узети за савезнике. Ослобађали смо све живо, време је да се враћају услуге, не треба нам још неко као терет, нама треба конкретна подршка!

English version

I've had... an acquaintance once. Good guy, funny, smart, he loved to drink ice coffee and wash them down with a glass or two of water, except when someone else is buying. If someone else is buying, he would always order an expensive drink. On the double. Between my friends and I - the unwritten rule, call it even a tradition is to pay the drinks when its your birthday. Somehow it seemed he was always there when it was time to enjoy those drinks, but when it was his turn to pay he would disappear. Logically he doesn't attend to birthdays anymore. Furthermore, I haven't heard from him in a long time.

It brings back memories when I look at the relationships developed within our alliance. I'm used to writing the things for what they are, to try and document my honest opinions, not caring too much if it would offend someone. I will do my best to do the same today.

Our alliance is dead!

Our alliance doesn't exist and those who can't see this to be true may have a problem that can only be addressed outside of this game. It's not a problem with Brazil or Bulgaria. They left on their own accord, because of their plans and on their own. I'm not judging whether that is good or bad. Not for me to decide or comment on. But once in a while, lately every few days I see another reason to destroy this alliance.
One could easily say that our alliance was made by us, thus we have the right to call it a day. Our alliance is – not an alliance. It's a group of citizens, not a real alliance.

My honest opinion is that a big part of Phoenix member states behave like a parasite would behaves related to its host; they owe their lives to us, they feed on us. They take everything away from us, and they don't give anything in return.
The problem lies with us. We are everywhere. Yesterday I was watching the battle between Poland and Germany, it was the final round. Our guys were fighting like enraged dogs, burning their own gold and weapons.. Now look what we get in return. The most important battle last night was a battle in Bosnia. How many foreign soldiers came to assist? At 02.30 there were only a few soldiers, besides BattalGazi and my Brazilian friends. Big exception are our Hungarian brothers, who always send tanks and army when we need them. Even last night they supported us with a supply to tanks, to help us win in ESR.

This is not an isolated case, a single example. Did we pay for MPPs with all those countries solely for US to protect THEM? Is that the purpose of an MPP? I'm sorry gentlemen, but we don't need you at all! Many things will have to be changed, but for starters: Pay to see the show. Contact Gid1, my president (or his appointee), and tell him "Gid, we need 500,000 DMG.", and you may be met with an answer "No problem, that'll set you back some 100 gold, we'll send help as soon as we see the G hit our account".

This goes for civilians too. As addicted as I am, I was looking at battles across the world. Everywhere I can see our avatars hitting. That is nice, but we have our own MoD orders, our priorities. Half of people are chasing medals, the other half doesn't think, just hits... We have to realize that this behavior can no longer be tolerated. Now battles are open regardless if we wanted them or not, until we sign peace or are out of gold. Both Croatians and us are in the same gold. Dog eat dog world, if you will.

Until the end of wars, this way or another, we need to start thinking, we have a fair set of brains and we should use them to save up some money and choose allies wisely. Allies who are prepared to spend time and gold for a mutual benefit.
An alliance is made when both countries have something to offer, not if only one country has something to offer. My opinion is that Serbia should leave this artificial alliance. We liberated many... Now it's time to get the favor repaid. We don't need more weight added to our set of problems, we need real supporters, brothers in arms who help us carry the weight.