[EN/TR]Presidential Update 4/13/2011

Day 1,239, 22:17 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Our citizen orders org was banned earlier yesterday. I don't know who reported it, but I can assume that our enemies are taking advantage of our already bad situation and trying to make it worse. I wrote and urged every American to sign and vote this thread to show the mods and admins that we don't agree that this org is impersonating a government entity, and with tickets and IRC usage, the problem was resolved quickly. 😎

In other news, our swap with Canada is going smoothly. They moved our capital from Florida, so the Spaniards can't cut off our trade route and cripple us economically, and they've taken Pennsylvania and New Jersey to take care of the border between Poland and us, rendering Poland's war moot, after they take Delaware.

I made this during the CanAm war of 2008, and we've finally put our Florida inside of Canada.

Now, a lot of people have been questioning these swaps, which is reasonable considering the amount of information at their disposal, so let me clear it up and explain my math for you. Canada took Florida to move our capital. Otherwise, Spain would have been able to circle it in 2 days and cut off our entire resource trade route. Then, we had them take Pennsylvania and New Jersey to create a wall to block Poland in. Now they can only attack Delaware, and their war with us is over. Done deal.

So to those asking what we're getting out o the deal: our trade route is intact and a war with a major aggressor has been averted. For now.

Next, Canada will take Minnesota and Alaska for grain and oil, and we'll take Manitoba and Nova Scotia for deer and fish. Depending on how we're looking in regards to our serious wars, we may take Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey back from them afterwards and close the war, but I'm not going to make any promises.


I've had conversations daily with JCS members and soldiers of all rank and file ever since I became president. The JCS are united in their decision to leave the government, but as we've seen
the soldiers are divided on the issue.

Now, the options I see us having include either trying to merge the old military into the new, under the DoD, or continue building the new military on its own and allow the JCS military to remain a paramilitary unit. Option one would keep the soldiers who have fought with each other during their military careers together, and in the national military, like they signed up to be. However, they may not like having to resign up for the military, as we'd probably have to have them do to get on our rosters, and there's no doubt that not all officers would be able to retain their position, as we've already placed so many. Also, Boot Camp is shaping up to be completely different from TC, so we wouldn't need that.

That's what I'd do if we were to merge the JCS military with our new national military. I brought the idea of it up to Chairman Reala yesterday, and he decided that his unit would be better off remaining out of government control.

So that's that. My staff and I will continue to build the national military into the world class fighting force that our country deserves, and the former military(which really needs a name at this point) will continue to be the world class fighting force that it always has been, and they have my full support in this endeavor.

Now, I know this isn't the most pleasurable circumstances for anyone, but it's the cards we've been dealt, so we will deal. In order to attempt to continue doing the most damage we can, I've given the JCS a one time grant from the Department of Defense's allotted budget. I did this because it's become clear, after the Marines revealed it, that they cannot sustain themselves and still do the type of damage that we've grown used to, and we, quite frankly, need. I know that some people want me to play hardball against the JCS, but as president, I would be derelict of duty if I allowed them to go without funds in order to provide us and our allies with the damage we need to beat our enemies. I simply won't allow them to snuff out, and suggesting that I do only serves to prove to me that you don't have our country's best interest in mind.

And to those in the JCS who claim that their unit can "get by" without funding, I say that their assessment is both fool-hearty and irresponsible. There's no way that the entire military can still supply themselves adequately to properly defend ourselves and our allies, and suggesting that they can only serves to prove to me that you are posturing and holding our soldiers and our country back. I gave funds to the JCS because we need it. I expect them to fill out OMS forms like everyone else next month, or that grant may go to a military unit who can.

All around me, I'm seeing nothing but a power struggle. A power struggle that threatens to throw us back to a third world country status. America, I believe that we've reached a new low.

Let me just throw some words out for you:

These are a few of our allies who have lost huge chunks of their country to the forces of NWO while we've been sitting on money or refusing money that our troops need to protect them. We've taken losses as well, but nothing compared to these allies of ours.

I'm just saying.

Merhaba iNCi. Bu makalenin çoğu sıkıcı askeri konularla ilgili, bu yüzden sizi sıkmak istemiyorum.bilinmesi gereken en önemli konu takaslar. Biz kanada'ya floridayı verdik, bu şekilde ispanya bizim ekonomi rotamızı kesemez, böylece ekonomimizi katledemezler. Sonra biz Polonyanın invazyounu engelledik. Biz şu anda Kanada'ya grain ve oil verecez ve onlar bize geyik ve balık verecekler, böylece eppeğimiz sonrasında bol olacak.

Translation by BombaciBaykus3~
President Emerick
April 13, 2011
Day 7
Signing out