[ Министерство за информирање]Хуманитарна акција за помош на eБебињата

Day 1,583, 10:13 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Ministerstvo za Informiranje

Поздрав еМакедонијо,
Министерството за Информирање има во план да спроведе една ГОООЛЕМА хуманитарна акција, во која ќе учествуваат сите кои се под 1500 str. Секако за ова ке ни помогнете и вие, со тоа што ќе донирате по нешто за нив. Донациите пракајте ги кај: rolerpro (клик тука). Во овој момент се примаат само МКД и ГОЛД затоа што немаме веќе место во инвентарот 🙂

Акцијата ќе биде спроведена на 24.03.2012 год. во 21:00 на каналот на нашето министерство #emkd-info (клик за одење на каналот) и ќе бидат поделени по 10 тенка (q5) и 200 здравје на секој кој што ќе има до 1500 сила.

Ако случајно нема доволно ебебиња за акцијава, добиените средства ќе се делат и на играчи со повеќе од 1500 сила.

Оваа акција е со цел да им помогнеме на сите еБебиња. Статијава ќе биде едитирана на неколку мин-часа и во неа ќе бидат запишани сите донатори. Акцијата ќе трае до Сабота или се додека има место за донирање.

MKD Foreverrr has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
MKD Foreverrr has transferred 50 Food (q1) to your storage.
MKD Foreverrr has transferred 3 Weapons (q6) to your storage.
MKD Foreverrr has transfered 0.1 Gold to your account.
SmkD has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
gogo master has transferred 100 (q5) Food to your storage.
gogo master has transferred 17 Weapons to your storage.
gogo master has transfered 550 MKD to your account.
P R O has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
kinoskefale has transferred 37(q2) Weapons to your storage.
DoctoRMKD has transferred 30(q1) Weapons to your storage.
DrugarceMalo has transferred 100(q5) Weapons to your storage.
DrugarceMalo has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
E SukhoiX has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
E SukhoiX has transfered 0.87 Gold to your account.
Kanopy has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Astral Macedonian has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Astral Macedonian has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Benito III Makedonski has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
J0ker323 has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
Boban Acevski has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
Boban Acevski has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
aleklefkov1990 has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
mm888 has transfered 888 MKD to your account.
Sir Goce has transfered 200 MKD to your account.
gonzoila has transfered 15000 MKD to your account.
gonzoila has transferred 120 Weapons to your storage.
Sir Goce has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
Ljubomir Makedonski has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Njx9 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Njx9 has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
Gjorgi II has transferred 100 (q1) Food to your storage.
Gjorgi II has transferred 8 (q5)Weapons to your storage.
Gjorgi II has transferred 10 (q2)Weapons to your storage.
goranosis has transfered 700 MKD to your account.
akconel has transferred 200 (q2) Food to your storage.
CaCa.D has transferred 20 (q2) Weapons to your storage.
CaCa.D has transferred 500 (q1)Food to your storage.
Sreers has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
Kalijak has transferred 70 (q2) Weapons to your storage.
FilipPetrovski has transferred 28 (q1) Weapons to your storage.
Mast3R.B0Y has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
BackoStamkov has transferred 5 (q5)Weapons to your storage.
BackoStamkov has transferred 20 (q5) Food to your storage.
marjansp has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
goranarsov has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
Marko Risteski has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
Igor Varsamovski has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
Igor Varsamovski has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
EL Marriachi has transfered 280 MKD to your account.
EL Marriachi has transferred 110 Food to your storage.
ArmaDello has transferred 18 Weapons to your storage.


Министерство за информирање

Министри: svetecot, Makedonecc (Кате), Girl from MACEDONIA и rolerpro