[dictator] 10 day update

Day 2,717, 12:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by playerunknown

one of the most expensive medals in gaming history...

its finally been 10 days since the take over from MEK, so i though i ought to do a little update article although max blue has covered most things already in his articles but i thought i should do one anyway...


currently with a lot of help from fataliix we have 11 MPPs signed. in order for us to of achieved that it has meant making the past few months of MoFA work to move closer to Asteria irrelevant.

however we felt the move was by far the best one although possibly a difficult one. Asteria is the most powerful alliance currently and it is likely the UK in the future will face many attacks. but we hope this will increase the fun and activity in the UK while helping balance the sides, not to mention some of the great allies we now have.


after a week and a half of waiting and sending multiple tickets i have had a response from an admin today so hopefully at least the main organizations will be back soon

War with France

so far we have captured 6 of our regions back from France (soon to be 7). our initial attack with Italy did not go amazing but it showed us what was needed to defeat France and we wasted a lot of Frances money from COs too so it was not a complete loss.

i hope to have all UK regions back by the time either someone wins the dictatorship against me in the upcoming dictator elections thing or the CP elections arrive.

i have messaged the french CP and MoFA in order to start discussing a peace proposal once we have our regions back. hopefully this will be successful as further escalation in the war would not be beneficial to either sides.

thanks to everyone who has helped start RWs, set COs and to all fighters.

Proposed tax increase to congress

a few days ago i proposed a tax increase to congress to which they discussed and are currently voting upon, which it looking like it will pass.

Canadian NE

a few hours ago Canada delcared NE on the UK. we are a little unsure on what direction it will go in as it as yet to be voted on however we hope that they stick to our agreement.

Dictator Legislation

a legistation thing was passed by congress basically saying what the dictator can and cant do and how to appoint him. currently there are two candiates running, you can view their articles here:

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dictator-nomination-2520118/1/20 - Mr Woldy

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-appleby-fight-for-honour-2520207/1/20 - Sir Appleby

the candidates have to face me in a mortal kombat style fight to the death, the victor gets to be the dictator.

that covers it i think. if you have any questions make sure you PM me to add to the 110 threads i have currently 🙂
