[CrOmega] News and plans

Day 2,239, 17:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eIreland, I hope you’re not depressed on this day, I saw some research concluded that today is the most depressing day of the year. I don’t feel depressed, actually I feel pretty good, there’s still plenty of food and drink from the New Years. Anyway, I wanted to write about several things considering our MU - CrOmega. We had big meeting few days ago and made some conclusions and decisions. So now, I’d like to let you know about them.

1. CrOmega in eIreland
We’ve moved our MU completely to eIreland. There’s several reasons for it. Most of our members are already eIrish, so we thought why not, we’re still CroIrish MU though, our priorities will be set according to orders made by Irish and Croatian Ministry of Defence, we just wanted to get involved in this great contest our country is organising. Also, our damage will mean a lot more to a smaller country such as eIreland.

We feel that as being eIrish MU ingame too we’ll be able to get involved in eIrish community more and help as much as we can. We’re also encouraging our members to read the articles published in eIreland, support them, criticise them, think about them and comment them. We want every our individual make his own opinion about people, articles etc.

MU in eCroatia of course stays active, we’ll just have like two branches of CrOmega, all the rules, requirements and things stays the same.

2. Strikes
We’re organising coordinated strikes every night in 12:00 erep time from now on. We had those before this holidays too, but since most of our members was drunk in the last 2 weeks I have to leave this notification here too.

3. Financional report

After I recently managed to win Jackpots twice we’re richer for almost 1000 golds ( I spent some on spinning) and it helps us develop our communes. At this moment we’re able to fund more then 30% of our daily needs for raw materials. It gives us great foundation and enable us grow even faster now with current daily profit of more then 800 IEP per day. Since we don’t have supplies yet this profit is automatically re-invested in new raw material companies and Training Grounds upgrades for our members. We’re trying to be completely self-sufficent and we hope we’ll reach that goal in the next two months.

We have donations every Friday and it helps a lot. I made some calculations and it looks like we need 600 more golds to be able to provide ourselves with 100% raw materials. Considering we have 50 members and this Friday donations if every members donates 1 gold per week, every Friday, we’ll be able to be completly self-sufficient in three months.

Anyway, we also plan to start suppling our members for daily strikes soon too. That’s in plan for a long time, we’re just waiting to get a bit bigger capital.

4. Goals for 2014.

-Be self-sufficent (means we’re able to fund ourselves alone, without any help)
-Invest money in Raw Material Companies
-Invest money in our members Training Grounds
-Have coordinated strikes with supplies every night
-Get involved and help eIreland, eCroatia and our allies
-Have fun
-Create detailed economical plan, discuss how to make more money and invest better (in coming days).

As soon as we joined eIreland, we’ve managed to become eIrish Number 1 Military Unit. It’s a great success for us, since we only had 24 members in our eIrish branch yesterday.

Don Croata