[CP] War? Did we lose?

Day 1,708, 05:30 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces

Is this the big question? we had two wars at the same time did we lose the war?

The answer is yes, we were completely crippled under Indonesia's army, That's the true story. We have many reasons on what could have been done, what should have been done......Its not time to analyze the past, its time to to move forward!

In this article I'll be addressing:-

1.After war results!
2.Whats next?
3.In other news....

1.After war results

Yes we lost but we won more than what we lost! Now lets see what we lost first!

we lost :-
A chance to kick Indonesia, and free our allies in eAustralia!
A chance to kick Malaysia for NE'in us...

What did we win?

We won, activity! Yup alot of dead citizens came back online to hit for us! Some who were not interested in eIndia at all came back and fought bravely! some helped us planning the war (which didn't go exactly the way they wanted Sorry 🙁)

Co-ordination, We taught a few people when to hit and how to hit, a co-ordination which wasn't seen in allied battles 🙂 we saved lots of dmg and we won battles at the last moments!

5G!! Yes the true patriot medal! we won it finally \o/ Yippi! 😃

Fun, we enjoyed our battles didn't we? despite of loosing battles, we had fun, that's why we play this game for fun.....

btw, the war is not over! Its just started 😁

2. what next?

In times like these, the best thing to do is re-organize ourselves from allies to strategy to strength, we're trying our best to get a baby boom project started! We have a few plans so we need all your help!
~ A banner competition has been started to post banners on Public buses and stands to get people attracted for more info please refer these Baby boom sites and for entries to the competition please contact Ashwamedh
~ We're searching for bloggers to advertise on blogs and spam on FB, interested candidates can contact me or Ashwamedh.

3.In other news

The CP is still alive 😉 no one can kill a kitten, cats have 9 lives ppl 😃
A few eIndians were hanged for opposing the kitty, details in the next article.
