[CP] Urgent Matters

Day 2,094, 17:23 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Evening eCanada,

I had originally planned to have this article out 8ish hours ago, but was called on a RL conference. Regardless here it is:

Asgard Referendum

Firstly, and probably the most important matter to be discussed is our alliance, Asgard. Asgard held a meeting yesterday and many discussions were had. There are people for expansion and against it, needs for better communication and general support over the past few months. I am going to be blunt. It is no secret that Asgard is weak and pales in comparison to other alliance or that we are all wiped or close to it. Problems aside though, Asgard is there for brotherhood. Something that eCanada has held close to her heart over the years in eRepublik.

I want to know what you think. Over the next few days, you will recieve a PM from myself or members of my cabinet including a link for the referendum and a request to attend a debate. PM me if you would like to help us! Please fill it out!

Work Tax

If we do manage to get congress this month, either through fighting or diplomacy. Please fill out this form. My MoF team will analyze the responses and release an article on which number is best for us.


Oh Spain... We won in NFLD but it looks like Spain's not happy with that. Look. I am disappointed I must say, as we are having a meeting with them tomorrow, we should have at least talked first. All I can say is: We are not going down without a fight! This time we have a gift from Plato. I'll let you all know what comes out of the meeting tomorrow!
A great article by Pat Harper which expresses my thoughts, and I am sure yours too can be found here

Until next time,
Stay Classy eCanada,