[CP] They Say It's Your Birthday

Day 1,326, 18:11 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Ah, transparency. Can't help but think of this at such a time. Don't make fun of the big hammer.

A little less going on in Canada today. Most action is happening abroad - thanks, Operation Bull in a China Shop. You might think we're relieved to have a slow news day, but read on to find out some selfish reasons why being busy is better.

Sask 2.0:

Yesterday I included an explanation about why we were deliberately losing in Saskatchewan. Today, we're fighting there, and this time we want to win. What's changed in a day? Our long-time allies and Bros have come to our aide. America wants Indonesia out of the continent just as much as we do, and they know that the NE they've got with Indonesia will threaten their Central States if Saskatchewan remains in Indo Pigdog Hands any longer.

To that end, we're teaming up with our Yankee Lovers and blasting Indonesia wide open. Their campaign of the day is once again Saskatchewan, but because they sleep all day and ride the fail whale all night, they haven't won a single round. At this rate Saskatchewan should be ours before we tuck our Baby CP into bed for the night. Stuff it, Indonesia!

The Lamb in Alberta:

I've spent most of my eCanadian life in Alberta. It's elected me to Congress 3 times, and having never visited there in Real Life, I'm fond of keeping it Canadian. Yet for all of this, we are not focusing our efforts there. Why? When you Pole Dance, you do not stick the Pole up your Something Something. A direct faceoff with Poland while our MPP stack is still rebuilding is extremely difficult to win. So, for the moment, we're keeping our attention on battles like Saskatchewan. At the same time, we're rushing through all of the MPPs we can muster.

As we deliberately avoided Sask 1.0 for our Allies in China, so too we will avoid Alberta today. Today. We will fight for Alberta soon enough, fret not. Poland's all access pass is running short. We'll be back for our lamb, Alberta. And we'll bring all the lime jelly we damn well please.

Where to Next?

If Poland manages to rob us of all of our regions, their NE is cleared and they can go anywhere they want. The most likely target is newly liberated Alaska, giving Poland a direct route to the front lines in China. Lessons from Alaska? When our Orders say "do NOT fight here", please don't. Game mechanics being what they are, there are some regions we want to keep in enemy hands for certain periods of time. It's like playing Monopoly - it's okay if the Horse gets Pennsylvania Avenue if you can have everything else.

Our next target is the Yukon. It's the last Indonesian region, and we're gonna take it. We no longer need to worry about the Northwest Passage, since Poland is stinky, so it's high time that we smash out that last Indonesian holding. One thing to keep in min😛 do NOT start the Yukon RW. We've got a Canadian lined up to do it already, and at a time that works best for us. Hurt Indonesia, send them home, wait for the timed RW!

Rebuilding the Stack:

A few weeks ago, we burned our MPP stack, cutting us off from most Eden & Terra aid. What's done is done, and we're going to spend our time getting new MPPs, not whining about the old ones. Canada's already signed 2 that make our life easier. First, we buddied up with America, an obvious ally who we're tied to in this war. Second, Romania, a nation we've been allies with for a very long time indeed.

Today we're adding China and Germany to the stack. An MPP with China will make it much cheaper to fight in the coming storm they face. Germany, wiped for the umpteenth time, is a strong but outgunned nation whose optimism in the face of adversity is something to be proud of. These are worthy allies, and mechanics should reflect that.

Audit Oddities:

Finances bore the pants off of most players. The Ministry of Finance is an extremely unpopular branch of the government, with few perks and little bragging rights while the admins meddle with our money. Just the other day I was told "budgets in war are useless" by a high profile citizen. I can't tell you how dangerous this outlook is for our country.

We live in a game where mechanics dictate constant war. Peace is swiftly becoming a myth. As a result, we need to keep an eye on our spending. Unchecked spending at any level is begging to be exploited - we're a country that ought to be very wary of that.

There's a bright side to this front. The Budget Prep continues, with far more concrete figures than yesterday's article. We're not quite ready to put it before Congress, but they should keep an eye out for that discussion. It's on the horizon.

As well, in the last few days the Military Leaders have been assisting the Government in an audit of Army spending during the previous term. While a budget was passed and every ingame proposal was approved by Congress, those two differ on a few fronts. We'll have more news on that, as well as full disclosure to Congress, as soon as we've completed our work there.

This is the tale of Captain Jack Sperry.

You can thank Plugson for that.

This morning someone shouted that their birthday was coming up next week. Major thanks to them - I darn well almost missed mine. Also known as today. I first joined eRepublik 2 years ago - July 8th, 2009. It was a different era, with different mechanics and a much larger country. A week into my life and World War 3 was underway, in a time when wars were actually rare and isolated enough to be given unique titles.

Certain things stand out over these two years. Canada's first wipe. Countless alliances, political and diplomatic. The fall of Ironman. A poop-stealing Brit from South Africa. Dozens of elections. And a legitimate need to stop dreaming about this game so many times a week.

It's been a pleasure to play this game. I look forward to the rest of this month, whatever it has in store. eRepublik is a game about being busy, and I love sitting here with my water and Bieber teases, typing up a storm. Y'all be good now, and enjoy your time in eCanada.

Every day we're at war, our citizens grow stronger. But the ones that Rank Up the most sign up for Military Units, the fierce armies of our nation. There's room for all, so sign up now!

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Crisfire
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.