[CP] The Sun Still Shines

Day 1,332, 19:01 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Does Canada have a Secret Plan to Fight Inflation? Click to find out.

It's a slow news day here in eRepublik, with no activity from Congress for about 6 hours, and no new battles for nearly as long. The reprieve from short-term developments gave me the opportunity to do something I haven't done since before the elections - I went outside. The sun was still shining, the grass grew merrily onward, there was a soft breeze and a dead squirrel on my lawn.

It was a glorious 5 minutes.

Connect 4 – Almost:

Yesterday I told you about the advances we were attempting to make across the entire west coast - battles in Alaska, Nevada, Idaho, and BC. We were winning each of them with decent buffers, above my expectations. Alas, sleep is the true enemy, and as we went to bed One awoke and managed to bring back all 4 battles to their favour. Each closed fairly uneventfully this morning.

What does this mean for us? That we might as well surrender? Swap sides, as one Spaniard suggested to me, to try and top Britain's penchant for treachery? Or perhaps just quit and save ourselves the trouble. Nah. All of these solutions eye the short term only, the recent occupation only, as though it has something to do with our choices, merits, or brethren. These play a factor, sure, but their impact is minor.

The greatest factor in this game is numbers. More men, more players, more tanks, more Gold, more, and that's all. "Better" is subjective, hard to measure, and often not. It's "more" that allows our enemies to succeed as they are right now - there are more of them. They have more supplies. They can do more damage. That's why they win battles.

There being more of them is no reason to abandon hope, our allies, or this game. It only leaves those of us who remain with even less. Patience and perseverance will get us through this war. Just as we didn't instantly pop back to 13 regions in our 2009 wipe, our resistance against Poland today is slow-going. It will not be over tomorrow. It will not be over the day after that. But inevitably, as all things do, it will come to an end.

As Harry Kim once said, it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey. Stick it out with the rest of us, Canada. Here's to the journey.

How Long?

Someone asked me that today. "How long until our next wipe?" Good question. If nothing changes? Sunday. Will it be our last wipe? Possibly, if we are lucky, play our cards right, and the Polish CP gets hit by a turnip. If we're wiped again it will be our third time this month. That, judging by the number of you who just swore and stabbed a cat, is embarrassing for Canada. But I've asked us to look to the world many a time, and I'll do it again now.

Canada has had fantastic fortune - sometimes by our own action, sometimes not - to be wiped so rarely. The rest of the world does not have this luxury. Greece and Germany, our European allies, have been wiped many times, and for far longer than the 2 hours that we were off the map for. Brazil, who are far stronger than we are, are looking to get back onto the map. Spain has picked them clean.

The expectation that Canada is 'above' being wiped is a noble one. It's one I'll appreciate for its patriotism. But it is not a realistic one. As a country we must understand the global situation, not just that of North America. We must look to our context in a changed game, not how things were in "the good old days".

It's not a message meant to depress you, but to inform you. Candyland is a wonderful place, and we can go there with Charlie later. But for now, let's play this game with a realistic outlook. Wars are hard. Dig in deep, and fight those Poles.


Part of the budgeting process involves dividing money between our various Military Units. Kronos Q, silly monkey and Speaker of Congress, has spent the past 3 days collecting data on some of these Units. He's collecting more on MAF & LOVE as we speak, but for now, I'd like to share the data he's collected.

Below are our 5 Largest MUs, with the number of Active Members they supply. This list includes every member of their MU who has fought at least once in the past 3 days, no matter how much or how little influence they deal. Lists don't include duplicates, either being double-entries or those included in a larger MU:

CAF - 102
TCO - 87
HOPE - 50
MFC - 18
COI - 18

275 Soldiers - and that doesn't include the 6 other MUs we have listed down below. 275 players have chosen to take part in these 5 MUs, making their Unit their home in this time of perpetual war. Things have definitely changed from the days where being a soldier was a rarity.


They've been discussing it for a while, and now they've put it to a vote. Congress is in the process of deciding a change in taxes. The proposals on the table would raise taxes 5% - from 1 to 6 - for all citizens working in Canadian companies. Obviously, this will do 2 things. One, it will increase the amount of your money that goes to the government. Two, it will mean the government has more money to spend. Not many Congressmen have voted on these proposals as of my writing this, but I'm sure many more of them will. Something for Canadians to keep an eye on, as we've all got an invested interest in Canada's money.

Party Presidents:

Tomorrow is Election Day in Canada. And for one of the only times in my active life in Canada, I'm not running to be a Party President. But quite a few people are. Every major party has at least one name out there, most of them more, as candidates seek your support for that elected office. It's a free job, but it's also an extremely powerful one (trust me, I've been one 😛). I urge you, if you're in a party, take the time to vote. Vote for the candidate that will help your party the most, and in turn, hopefully, help Canada move forward.

Party Presidents choose who runs for Congress (and where, in most cases), they generally control who gets elected to Congress, and they definitely control who will be on the ballot on August 5th. Selecting a Party President is a commonplace task, but it's an important one. I'll be voting for a candidate tomorrow. I've already decided who, and in which party. If you haven't decided for yourself, take the chance to look around. Maybe ask a question or two. It's your party, it's your country, you're allowed to have expectations.

Good luck, Candidates.

A Brief Note on Justice:

Congress has confirmed the nomination of 2 new Supreme Court Judges, both long term players and gents that I respect. Chamrajnagar and Philip Delle Palme have brought a lot to Canada, and I'm pleased to see them sitting on the Court. As well, Justice Alexander Rearden will likely be approved as the Chief Justice of the Court, after his recent appointment last month. There is one vacancy on the court at the moment, so if you'd like to join these fine gentlemen, let me know.

Our list of MUs is constantly growing, as are their memberships. Why not consider joining one today?

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Homer J Simpson
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline
MAF: Vandorian
BWB: Venoms III

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.