[CP] Thank you/Merci!

Day 2,116, 19:48 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Evening eCanada,

My term is officially drawing to an end. it was a pleasure serving eCanada for the last month and maybe someday I will do it again. I feel we accomplished a lot this month. All debts are paid off, we are not involved in any wars that will leave use wiped, it looks like next month will be too easy for the next CP!

Firstly, I would like to thank my extraordinary team who worked with me this month. My cabinet was committed and always found a way to get what I wanted done. They are leaders of our community here and deserve as much credit as I do. I would also like to express my gratitude to every eCanadian, firstly for voting me into office, but more importantly, for sticking around all these months while we were occupied. o7

Thank you to all our political parties, MUs and citizens!



Without doubt the highlight of my term, after eight long hard months we finally were able to have a congress. Thanks to everyone for sticking around and helping out!


While the result was bittersweet, I'm happy that we feel we chose the right path. It ran efficiently and effectively and I'm glad to say very little changes occurred. We still are good allies with our friends in Asgard and CoT!


Ohai ex-Pats, welcome home! 😉 Welcome back Acacia Mason, Funky 24, SaraDroz!


I admit my term was not perfect...

The one thing I wanted to focus on as well as exterior affairs was our own domestic affairs. My team: Utat, Lelouch and Mazzy Cat worked hard, with little direction. They have my apologies and sincere thanks for a great effort this month.

Order of Military Merit and Order of eCanada

As I had mentioned in my last article, I wanted to be able to recognize some citizens for some great acts and show of commitment to eCanada. Unfortunately, I still am waiting on a few MU Commanders to get back to me.

ORDER OF eCANADA FORM: http://tinyurl.com/muem5n4
Fill it out please!

I hope to reveal our award winners this weekend!

Contest Time
I also wish to extend the contest. I've had some great entries already, you could be next! Post on the comments below a new avatar with the Captains of Industry Border and automatically win 100cc! The best avatar, will be my new one and the winner shall win 7 gold!. Second place gets 2 gold and third gets 1 gold! Post!

Until we meet again 😉

Stay Classy eCanada,

P.S: Vote in the elections today!