[CP] So it Begins

Day 2,086, 10:03 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Afternoon eCanada,

Firstly, I would like to thank my supporters who stood with me this election, I could not ask for a better team. I would like to thank The Canadian Progressive Front and The Canadian Reformation Party for their nominations as well. I would also like to take this time to congratulate Shoi12 and TheSocialistChicken for well run campaigns, either of them would of done a fine job.

I think… 😛

Alright now on to business:

I’ve already begun contact with them and hopefully we can have the first of our (probably many) meetings later this week.

Formalities, PMs exchanged, nothing new …yet

Rebate Program

This month in the CPF we introduced this program. I hope to nationalize it, making it available to everyone. It is aimed at selling cheaper Canadian weapons to the newer or poorer players. The money stays in eCanada. The goal of this program is to offer a free donation of food, and a low cost means of quality weapons. We aim to sell the weapons around 30% lower than current market prices for the day you apply for. Sellers will be able to apply via a google doc, and buyers will fill out a form and execute the deal. Here is the g-doc to fill out if you can be a supplier : Fill it out

Mass PMs

Much like Pat did last month, I wish to create a mass PM to include anyone who wants to be involved! Just PM me and make sure you add me as a friend; I’ll have the PMs set up with n the next couple of days.

That's it for now

Stay Classy eCanada,