[CP] Redsuits, Redcoats, & Red Fires

Day 1,333, 20:51 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

It's never a good idea to arrest certain people. Oh, and Plugson, Wesley.

Yesterday I told you that my family was travelling. And so they are, with my brother and I holding the fort until their return. After a fairly routine day here, I watched an episode of "Life After People" and put some meat pies in the oven. And then passed out. Two hours later, I woke up. I turned to my brother, who was in the room, and asked - "Did you take the pies out of the oven?"

"What pies?"

"Ah. ... Okay." I tried eating one of the hockey pucks just now, the meat tasted alright and still had some moisture, but the outer shell was pretty awful. Ah well. At least it wasn't a bus, right Adasko?

Britain Tries to be Surprising:

Britain has proposed us as their Natural Enemy. You know, after they published an article a few days ago basically leaving France and Germany out in the cold after months of "good friendship" that stretched back for ages and ages. It's sort of the British thing to do, really. Sit on their islands, not doing much but sending their annoying children around touring in "pretty dresses" (Kate wore some nice ones too), and then find a friend they can shockingly betray to the dismay of the world.

Unfortunately, since this is about the 500th time that Britain has done something distastful, pretty much everybody was expecting it. Canada at least is novel in our weaknesses - Britain's not creative enough to elect Rolo twice, so instead they just shoot whatever's nearest to them. Which is usually about the part in the movie where the chimp hepped up on Angel Dust comes flying around the corner and rips your face off. ... Creepy chimp.

Britain has two of our regions - Newfoundland and PEI. They want PEI for the deer, something that's hard for them to get access to anywhere else. They're declaring us their Natural Enemy because Ontario and Quebec (thanks for the gift, Poland!) will connect their current Colonies to Grain, another resource they value. Poland has enough bonuses to build about 50 countries, and since they're finally in Asia, they don't really mind if Little Baby Britain plays with the toys back in North America.

And so they come for our things. Now, that's perfectly fine. I would much rather put a dog in my backyard than a T-Rex. I know I can kill the dog (Britain) much, much more easily. Which is why we're pretty okay with Britain mucking about. But alas, now Britain the Dog has done something dumb. They've annoyed our loud and sexy (if beer-belly-bearing) neighbour, Gus. Gus is America in this analogy, he owns a shotgun, and well, somebody's gonna be calling the SPCA to pick up little bits of Britain. Gotta respect noise by-laws, people.

Let Them Pay for It:

Most days there's a battle in Canada which the Battle Orders tell you to ignore - somewhere not to fight, at all, for any reason. Why would I be so cowardly and unpatriotic as to want you to not fight?

It's simple. There are some battles - and they happen in Canada and all over the world - where we already know who's going to win. Waiting the 12 hours is just Plato's way of entertaining himself. We knew we'd win some of these battles, and we knew we'd lose others. Fighting in these battles is 100% pointless, and a waste of your damage. After all, if the battle's already won, why keep fighting there?

There are lots of battles that we want to win, ones we have to work for to get. Idaho, for example - we want to win there tonight. Diverting our damage to battles that are effectively predtermined is a waste of your damage - a drain on your ability to help the country. If it's a guaranteed win (e.g., when Poland is fighting on OUR side), there's no point in fighting because the bar will never lower to a point where your damage will be needed. And if it's a guaranteed loss (where it's all of One vs. Canada), then it's a bit like Rameses standing by the Red Sea and yelling "Bring It". Noble yes, but also stupid.

If you're unsure why we're ignoring certain battles, whether we're winning them or not, it's okay to ask. We ought to be able to answer that question - why are/aren't we fighting here? Why is X battle more important? Those are questions I try and address in the Battle Orders and these articles, but if it's ever unclear, don't hesistate to shoot a PM asking about it. That's your right as a soldier and a citizen.


Time to get into particulars. Today, two battles were opened in Canada, curtosy of Snowblade and Tom Story. One, the Resistance for NWT, is a distraction battle that should be ignored. Of all the fights our allies are in today, this is not one to be paying attention to. Terra is giving us love, but it's not here. And since Poland hasn't decided to return it to us (see: several other regions), it's a fairly set battle. Leave it be.

The other is Newfoundland. Originally, this was just another damage drain for One - a battle against an occupying force to keep them away from Idaho and other more important battles. But, to my surprise, Terra quickly decided this afternoon that Britain is dumb (see, our allies can do good things!) and has been giving Newfoundland some loving ever since. It hasn't been a landslide in our favour like Idaho, but it's enough to fire a warning shot across Jamesw's British Bow. Canada is not a chewtoy, and is not being ignored by her allies. Best to remember that.

The Benefits of Napping:

I mentioned earlier that I took a nap. When I came back to my computer (fearing execution for being away so long unannounced XD), the first thing I was told was "We're winning in Sask." "Bull." I didn't believe it, I still don't, but I am thrilled to see it nonetheless. Saskatchewan is a battle that we haven't been giving any official attention today, and while Poland will still probably win the battle, having a few rounds in our favour is fantastic.

Poland is by far our biggest threat, and being able to make a dent in their armour, even when it's in our prime time and should be expected (jeeze Sperry), is an encouraging experience. Saskatchewan still won't be getting priority, as we want to win our other battles more, but it's a high point to an already quite decent day.

Admins are Probably British:

You have probably noticed from a series of shouts and articles that the Admins have made another sudden and not-so-surprising change. This time, they've merged the Food & Gold buttons on the battlefield. This means that, once you run out of foodfights while fighting, the button will change to a Health Pack. If you continue to click vigorously, you'll spend (rea😛 waste) 0.5 Gold for every hit. That doesn't sound like a lot, but when you consider how little you have, it adds up - fast.

Be careful when you fight. If you ever notice a change in the game mechanics, take a peek at recent articles (international ones, especially) or at your friends' shouts. Odds are they've noticed it too, and you can find out how to avoid British Admin Tricks without losing your precious resources.

6 of One, Half a Dozen of the Other:

I mentioned last night that Congress was voting on tax changes. The proposal, which in all covered 4 ingame votes, was a move to shift income taxes up from 1%, to a wartime 6%, in an effort to give the government (and in turn, Military Units) more money. Now, there are points in favour and against, with both sides being their typically loveable selves. Perspective is weird like that.

At any rate, the 4 votes began, and will all close before the night is out. Two of them were rejected by Congress. Okay. The two that remain, however, are almost certainly going to pass. While Congress is entitled to be - and usually is - of mixed opinion on ingame votes, this surprised me. I wasn't sure whether Congress would raise taxes, or leave them as they were, but I assumed all 4 votes would have the same result given that no one had brought forth the "yes to this, but no to that" argument we now find in the votes.

At any rate, that's where things are at. Some of you will notice a slight jump in your income taxation tomorrow, others will not. The Government is keeping track of how much we take in each day (about $35K a day for the past little while), so we'll see soon what effect this partial hike will have on Canada's income stream. If you have any questions, you're welcome to talk to your Congress representatives - there certainly are quite a few to choose from.

Want guns, but don't have enough money? Could you hit just a little more, if only you had the food? Fear no more! Military Units supply their members with guns and food to deal extra damage in battles where Canada needs them the most. Help yourself, help your country - Join an Army!

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Homer J Simpson
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline
MAF: Vandorian
BWB: Venoms III

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.