[CP] Recognition is Always Good

Day 2,113, 09:20 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Afternoon eCanada,

So my term comes to an end. As most of you already know, I will not be running again. I hope we all can be happy from where we started so long ago on August 5th, to where we are now, approaching the elections on September 5th. There are a final few things to be dealt with this term;

Order of Military Merit and Order of eCanada

I want to be able to recognize and congratulate citizens that have done so much for eCanada in the past eight months, both through our military or our governments etc.

Firstly, I would like to give out the Order of Military Merit. As seen here Goran Thrax and Connor MacLeod are the only remaining Knight Commanders. I approached them earlier this week and we decided as a three man panel to let our MUs decide. Therefore, I am asking all Military Unit Commanders in eCanada with a MU membership of 10 or more members to nominate someone and send us a PM with the nomination(s). One nomination per 10 members. To take into consideration:

i.) Time Served with Unit
ii.) Damage put towards eCanada
iii.) Dedication/Role in MU
iv.)In good standing with the eCanadian Community
v.) Service to eCanada

I will also send out PMs as reminders, but the last day to nominate individuals is Day 2115 12:00 eRep time. Send me a PM with the individual nominated, as well as the criteria and a few words.

The Order of eCanada will be a little more open. I want to make this one Public this time. Any citizen can be nominated, dead or alive. There will of course be some locks but again, but I want to see who you think is committed to our eCountry. The form can be found here(Order of eCanada Form). Please take the time to fill it out.

Hidden message anyone? 😉

Contest Time

Lastly, I would like to run a small contest. As most of you know, I've had the same avatar (which I love) for the past 2 years. I think it may be time for a change. Therefore, I ask you guys to help me out! Post on the comments below a new avatar with the Captains of Industry Border and automatically win 100cc! The best avatar, will be my new one and the winner shall win 7 gold!. Second place gets 2 gold and third gets 1 gold! Post!

That's all for now!

Stay Classy eCanada,

P.S: My next and last article will have the recipients of the awards, the winners of the contest and our successes, stay tuned!