[CP] Patriots & Pole Dancers

Day 1,325, 19:09 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

In a time where Canada seems like it's in the hole, this is something we should all remember.
I have a fear of rectangles.

Today has been a busy day for Canada. Some describe our situation as bleak on many fronts - a nation in a hole we cannot seem to get out of. We must not forget our perseverance. We have spent far more time in our long history as a free nation, one worthy of pride, than as an occupied state. The One presence in Canada will not last nearly as long as our feckless critics would have you think. With our friends and allies we will stand. We will resist, as we have always done. As we will always do.

The Saskatchewan Situation:

You may notice that the Saskatchewan battle is coming tougher than BC or Alberta did. There'sa few reasons for this. First, Indonesia has set this battle as their Top Civilian Priority. Apparently they are embarassed that little Canada is having such an easy time evicting their filth!

Further, this RW was started during Indonesia's prime time, not ours, so the first 3 battles were a write-off. See below for some information on Civilian Resistance.

Evicting Indonesia:

Our governments, allies, and military advisors are in agreement - evicting the weak-link Indonesians should continue to be our top priority for the next few days. Why? They have the fewest Canadian regions and are the only occupier with no link back to their homeland. Reducing the number of Termites in Canada is the first step toward freeing our country.

Pole Dancing:

You may remember that we did not have a Natural Enemy proposal on the table for a while. We waited on purpose, to see what Poland would do. When we reclaimed Alberta, we regained a border with Poland. They opened a Natural Enemy vote - their continued effort to wipe us off the map and occupy more of our lands. This will become our main focus after the weekend is over.

What's the plan to deal with a mutual NE in Poland? Pole Dancing. As was done to evade Sweden last month, we will focus our attention on winnable battles. Most of these will piss off Poland, distract them from maintaining their pigdog empire, and strengthen our citizens until we're in a position to grab back the continent. Be a Canadian Patriot! Hire a Pole Dancer today!

Operation China:

Isolationist tactics didn't work in real life. They don't work here. Eden made a major push at 17:00 today, starting a flurry of Resistance Wars around the globe. Why? Because One will not be allowed to continue eating our food and sleeping on our couch. It's time to kick Sonny out, and we're working with our allies to try and achieve that.

One of the RWs in this plan was started by our own Ralph Kline, in Quebec. Let's be clear: DO NOT waste your damage here. Check the Battle Orders to see where your damage will do Canada serious good. Quebec will be liberated in time, but for now they support our Bros in a bigger battle!

Alliance Activity:
While we're on the topic of Foreign Affairs, let's bring you up to speed with what's going on in Fox Blutch's department. Today Congress has already set up approval for 2 new MPPs. We're rebuilding our stack, and we're starting right now. America and Romania are first on the list, and a myriad of other countries have already replied to our ambassadors. We've got a stack of MPPs lined up for Congress to vote through in the next week. No longer will Canada stand alone in our battles! No longer will we have to move far and away to make a difference!

Equally important is our progress with repairing Canada's reputation in Terra and Eden. If you've been following Foreign Affairs this Spring, you'll know that Canada found itself in a few diplomatic ruts. We're working to bring back the strong image that Canada is used to. Our ministers are in regular communication with our allies, and Alliance channels are considerably less chaotic than they were last month. If you run into somebody visiting from abroad, treat 'em right! Cogsworth, I am surprised at you!

Resistance War Patriots:

It's not every day that you win a medal for repatriating a region. Want some prestige? Bragging rights? The 5 Gold that comes with being successful? PM Sperry right now!

Canada's strength is built on the initiative of our citizens. The Government is looking for Canadians who are willing to start Resistance Wars in occupied territory. If you've got the money to pay for all of it (Ralph Kline, Snowblade) or even half (SirLongName), we'll arrange it for you!

What's especially important about these RWs is that they're started at times that most benefit Canadian Soldiers, and utterly screw over our enemies. If you want to start an RW, always check with someone first, to make sure it'll really piss off One!

Budget Work:

This time of month means budgets. We are, to that end, pulling our budget together to put before Congress. Why do budgets matter? Last month, Canada overspent hundreds of thousands of CAD. Most of this wasn't an issue, but we want to make sure we fund our MUs at sustainable levels! You might make your son happy if you give him a whole pizza, but if you can't feed him for the rest of the week, he'll probably wish he was given it one slice at a time!

This month's budget will highlight two key priorities:

1) Ending the term with enough money in the Treasury to support long-term wars that we know Canada will be fighting. We want our August CP to have a strong hand, this will ensure that!

2) Getting as much money to our MUs as we can without having to cut supplies mid-month. We've been talking to our Military Leaders all week updating rosters, auditing spending, and working out just how we can best help our citizens level up.

Fill Out the Court

Finally, for you law-lovers: Canada's Supreme Court has 2 openings, with 3 sitting Justices. We're looking for proactive Canadians to fill these 2 openings. Some have already stepped forward. If you want to be a part of our Courts, shoot me a PM now!

Real Canadians fight in a Military Unit. Real Canadians get free supplies from dedicated leaders, and fight smart to make sure Canada's damage is as infuriating for One as possible.

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Crisfire
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.