[CP] Onwards

Day 2,089, 21:40 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good morning eCanada,

The first few days of my term have been very busy. PMs from world leaders, MU commanders and random players have filled up most of my time these fast few days. I am proud to say though, this week has been quite productive for my cabinet and myself.

Great work on the National Shield Contest everyone, we're already at 100% and in the top 50 countries. Keep pushing! We'll have lots of battles for TP gold and contest opportunities don' worry.

The new tax is going to be irritating for all of us, especially since I have no power over changing it from 20%. We will work towards a solution though.

Firstly, I would like to welcome some new members to my cabinet. Lelouch VI Britannia, Mazzy Cat and Utat are my new MoIAs and MoE. They will help with the domestic programs and new player retention.
Chochi and TheSocialistChicken have joined the MoF team.

Foreign Affairs

I am proud to say Canada did a terrific job showing we are a selfless, committed and reliable ally. Our friends in the Netherlands asked us for support in a RW they had planned against occupying Polish powers. Although at the end we suffered a defeat, I was extremely proud of us as a nation.

We also have been planning several different options to ensure congress this month. More to come.

Perhaps our least preferred topic, I hope to get something done within the week. Our next meeting is in a few days and so far things look okay. Negotiating will start and we will see where it takes us. I will keep you informed.


Rebate Program
This month in the CPF we introduced this program. I hope to nationalize it, making it available to everyone. It is aimed at selling cheaper Canadian weapons to the newer or poorer players. The money stays in eCanada. The goal of this program is to offer a free donation of food, and a low cost means of quality weapons. We aim to sell the weapons around 30% lower than current market prices for the day you apply for. Sellers will be able to apply via a google doc, and buyers will fill out a form and execute the deal. Here is the g-doc to fill out if you can be a supplier :Fill it out

Along with my new team, I hope to have some activities and plans developed by the end of this weekend. We are always looking for players to help out our new citizens, PM me or any other of the domestic ministers to join up!

Merc Fund
As most of you know, fighting for our regions does not come cheap. With our treasury currently inaccessible, we are required to fund RWs from our own pocket. That's where you come in, please donate tanks or CAD here!

Thank you to our donors:

That's all for now!

Stay Classy eCanada,