[CP] Maps & Bars

Day 1,334, 23:30 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
Some of them have cheese. This isn't the kind with cheese.

I write this article, alone in my apartment with choir music playing in the background, proving only just how truly inexplicably weird a life I lead. "What do you do with your time" never has a good answer, so I usually just make one up. Kitten arson is a popular answer. What do you tell your "friends" about your odd hobbies and habits? Apart from disguise them as cool, of course. 'Cuz we all do that.

Indo Amnesia:
Victory, my friends. It's a fleeting concept in this game, with wars constantly being waged and danger never too far off. But tonight we share with America a small step toward recovery, with the elimination of the Indonesian Colonies on this continent. Go ahead - take a glance at the world map - Indonesia is nowhere to be seen, the last American region has been wrenched from their hands. They have no return path. You can, for the moment, forget about those silly islanders and their imperial ways.

This isn't the first time Indonesia's tried their hands at invasion. They invade the South Pacific states all the time, particularly our buddy Australia. But what their leaders always seem to forget, is that Indonesia is not the king they wish we'd take them for. The Philippines, sure, they don't mess with Indonesia. Australia treads carefully around them. But outside of the small pond of nations down south, no one particularly worries about Indonesia. They're no longer large enough to threaten beyond their borders alone, and since One treats them like pond scum, thie opportunities for world conquest are far and few between.

It's alright for us to dismiss them for the moment. But in the meantime, they ought to try and do some remembering of their own. That might make it easier for Indonesia to notice the ease with which Poland abandonned the Indonesian defense effort. Or did you think it was only by chance that all of the European states are still here, and Indonesia's gone? Just a thought.

Cluster America:

As I mentioned the other day, the ousting of Indonesia has restored America to 11 states. The Spanish Schism still divides their holdings, and so to the south we see two clusters of American land. In the far west, 6 coastal states that run between Polish Canada, and Mexico. And in the Midwest, 5 states surrounded mostly by those same silly Spaniards. A barrier one state wide keeps the Americans from linking up completely. They've waited on merging these states deliberately, as before now the risk of Indonesia gaining the upper hand in war kept our American Bros hesitant to put all of their eggs in one geographic basket. Now that Indonesia's gone, expect to see America linking up their regions in the near future.

Roll Up the Rim:

Our geography has been a bit more...unusual. Since our first wipe 2 weeks ago, we've rolled around the country like an old B Movie background, hopping from region to region as we avoid the Polish advance and their Islander Lackeys. First, it was the Indonesians, now it's the British. I wish I could say we've traded up, but let's be realistic, at least the Indonesians can hold an Empire.

8 of our 13 regions have been in our hands at one time or another while I've been in office, though sadly, never more than 4 at once. As a result we've roamed in a general eastwardly fashion. Now we sit with our 2 largest regions and Awkward Manitoba. Where we go from here will depend on a few things. If the war goes poorly and we're wiped again, our return to the map may prove difficult. It might also be extremely easy, depending on how distracted Poland is (they're quite large, getting distracted is something they're fairly decent at).

That said, if we remain on the map, a lot of factors are still at play. How long will it take Jamesw to realize that Britain only wins when it sups on the scraps of Polish successes? How much love will we continue to get from Terra/Eden? These and other factors will determine where we sit for the coming week, and most importantly, for the Congress elections. I'll be giving our PPs a heads up closer to the elections letting them know what our ballpark is, but obviously, situations change. Sometimes we win battles we had expected to lose, other times we fall short on important fronts. Such is the nature of the game.

Patent Pending:

You might have noticed that a Donation Proposal - the first of this administration (really?) - is being voted on by Congress. Why so late? Last month, a budget was set. But the situation changed, someone got bored, and the budget was used as fuel for a bonfire in Congress' backyard. As a result, spending went through the roof without a shift in our income. When I took office, one last proposal was going through. Until now that was the only one, as I did not want to continue feeding Military Units the lie that their government could afford to pay them at the rate they were being sent CAD.

July 16th, however, is the first day of the July Budgetary Period. That means a new month of spending - as CPs put together budgets for the 16th to 15th of each month. It gives new CPs, like myself, time to adjust before putting that big bill through Congress. Congress was presented with our budget a few days ago, but understandably they had some questions, and the budget hasn't yet been put to a vote.

Because we're in a new budgetary period, and MUs have now been subsisting without funding for 10 days, I asked Congress to put through and approve the first donations to our MUs on an item-by-item basis until the budget was approved. The built up reserve in CMF & CND has all but run dry, and these MUs will need funding very soon in order to keep functioning. That's why the current donations are being proposed despite the "pending" status of the budget.

Mr. Ambassador:

Earlier tonight I presented a name to Congress - Xichael. For what? The Head of the Ambassadors' Corps. There's a fancier title for this, but I can't be bothered to look it up, and really, it doesn't matter. SDan has led the ambassadors for 2 months, but his term is now up and he doesn't want to continue with the job.

It's up to the CP to present Congress with a new name for their approval. And so I have done, with a former MoFA and a Canadian who has continued to be involved in our foreign affairs work despite not holding a specific office. He's got access to several top-level Terra channels, so having him on board only makes sense. With any luck, Congress will have approved his nomination before Monday is out.

Fueling Up & Watering Down:

Chaos and disaster reigned this evening as I stepped out for 8-ish hours to unwind with some friends. I spent the afternoon dining and "bar hopping" (read as: going to one bar and drinking water while I was there), mostly to refuel and get outside for the first time in two weeks. Wally and Temujin handled things in my absence, as they are more than capable of doing, and I'm happy to say that I've refueled nicely and am eager to continue once Sunday begins (hurry up! 😛).

As a side note, there were some attractive females at the bar. AMM/Coda, sorry, not "hawt dewds". I looked. I did not see. Disappointment was great.

A new budget means new money - money for war! This isn't peace time, and it's not a cease fire. Sign up with an MU today, and help save your country!

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Homer J Simpson
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline
MAF: Vandorian
BWB: Venoms III

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.