[CP] Keep On Marching

Day 2,093, 12:35 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Afternoon eCanada,

Well we got one. Newfoundland and Labrador has some reddish-pink in it again.

Looks nice, doesn't it!

How bout dem apples Spain?

I would like to thank everyone who participated yesterday, from the suppliers and cabinet behind the screens, to all of you fighting on the front lines. o7

We will not stop here, I still am negotiating a deal with Spain, but in the meantime let's keep it up! 😉

As you all noticed yesterday, NFLD was not our only priority. We wanted to win/drain in Azores and Guayana as well to deter Spain of an eventual NE, but unfortunately Spain woke up too soon for Azores, and the USA was hitting for Guayana in Spain. Oh well

Oh and continue with the War Fund! Every little bit helps!

War Fund
With our treasury currently inaccessible, we are required to fund RWs from our own pocket.
That's where you come in, please donate tanks or CAD here!Any little amount helps!

Let's bring some pain to Spain! o7

Stay Classy eCanada,