[CP] Bartlet, Jeopardy, & The Simpsons

Day 1,330, 21:32 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
"Why do we help them? Because we can." - Words to remember in a time when some would ignore our brothers and sisters abroad.

I have a sad announcement to make. Today, after countless hours of dedicated political engagement over many months ... I am out of West Wing DVDs. If you feel like Fed-Exing me Seasons 1, 6, & 7 , I'd be ever-so-thrilled. In the meantime I will sate myself with Star Trek documentaries and episodes of Jeopardy.

Yukon Have It:

You may have (hopefully did?) noticed that Poland has attacked, and is well on their way to taking, our "capitol" in the Yukon. Game Mechanics, aren't they swell? We have addressed this attack as we have all of the other initiative battles faced by Canada in the past weeks of this war. As a nation alone, Canada cannot hold back the Polish advance, particularly not when their Citizen Orders direct them to focus their attention on our tiny territory.

I am all for defending out country. What's the point in playing if we don't? But what we all need to do - even those of us who are Battle Hero hungry (yea, saw that) - is fight where it will do the most good. Our enemies are bigger and stronger than us. This is the reality of our situation. To fight them effectively, we've got to choose where we meet them in battle. Rushing headlong into every region that gets attacked will level us up, but it will also keep us off the map indefinitely. Not good.

On Ontario:

Ontario has been up and down all day. Poland has won 2 rounds, we have won 2. We must work to earn this region, this motherload of a province, so that we can prove to ourselves that we are capable of facing Poland in these regions. Our past battles have either been ignored on purpose, or handed to us by One. This is the first battle we've waged within Canadian soil, against Poland, that seems a little more level. We can also thank our allies for hitting here - I've seen Chinese and Russian soldiers in there, and I'm sure there have been others.

Red Dawn:

Wolverines! Awesome chain shout, boys. For those of you who don't know, Red Dawn is an amazing Charlie-Sheen-having movie. In eRepublik, and in the movie, Americans fight to restore their midwest. The restoration of America has been a major focus of our Battle Orders over the past week, quite simply because what's good for America is usually good for us. Blank Keating usually gets a daily reference in this article, because he and his advisors have been actively looking out for joint Canadian/American interests.

They fight for us in battles when we seek their aid. We plan our movements together, a large part of the time. Of all of our allies, America has easily become the most valuable once again. This is why we are helping them in places like California and Arizona. They've got a lot of regions to take back - they're a big country. But as they regain a hold on their lands, so they are better able to put pressure on Poland, who we cannot take on alone. Most importantly, Blank does not run under a policy of "Canada 51st". If we need help, we get it. Keep reciprocating, Canada.

Getting on the Table:

Some of my predecessors expressed a lot of grief over Canada 'never getting priority', that our allies always had some 'more important' region in need of aid. Such is the result of being in an alliance - you're not always gonna be on top of the pile. So why is this good? If you haven't been at the top of the pile for a while, your name starts coming back up. Which is exactly what's happening with Canada.

We're not the #1 priority - there's far more going on in the world than wee Ontario. But compared to what past Presidents have shared with me, I'm seeing our name a lot more, especially from Eden. This is an encouraging fact, and one I am happy to hear. It's all the more reason to continue to prove our worth as a member state, not by constantly demanding aid, but by walking the talk of alliance teamwork. You wanna be in a team? You have to work together. It's that simple.

Crawling out of the Woodwork:

Two weeks ago, I wasn't all that surprised that we had so few MPPs. Who would want to ally with the silent state that Canada was for that term? You must've noticed the number of MPPs that have come our way since then. Many of these are from nations approaching us, "endebted to us" for our actions in the distant past, willing to lend a hand if we but sign an MPP so they have somewhere to fight.

Some of the names that approach us, I am familiar with. They've lived in Canada before, or perhaps visited it once in "Real Life". But many, noticing simply that Canada is more active in alliance affairs than we sometimes are, and of course we're never lacking a battle to drop into. Originally I had intended to sign but 10 MPPs, but as I've encountered far more positive results than I expected, we've boosted that to 15. Perhaps we'll have the fortune to reach 20, or just out and ally with every sexy little bugger we find. Certainly a friendly little world, isn't it? 😛

You be the Judge:

A few days ago, I made a call for prospective Supreme Court Judges. Many came forward, and two were proposed to Congress the other day. Since then the House has begun voting on our Nominees - Philip Delle Palme and Chamrajnagar - who will both likely be appointed without incident. Alas, we have more openings! Lavis Knight has resigned his position to seek the refuge of retirement, and another Justice seems to have disappeared right after their appointment.

To that end, I am in the market for more Supreme Court Judges! If you want to be a part of the Justice Department (oooh!), let me know. Anyone who isn't in Congress/Cabinet can serve, provided that your party doesn't already have 2 sitting judges (soon to be just EPIC).

The Budget:

Ah, money. It's always the bottom line, isn't it? Today, Congress was presented with a proposal for the budget based on current rates of income. You can view the ongoing discussion here. At the moment, 1 Million is being proposed for funding our Military Units to keep them going in this war that will no doubt be very long.

I should also point out that Congress is once again considering adjusting tax rates. If Congress puts through a new tax rate - as is their right - the budget will be adjusted to reflect that. Have something to say about the budget, but you're not a member of Congress? Get in touch with us! Minister of Finance Etemenanki & I would be more than willing to speak to your concerns.

A Military Comptroller:

This guy. This month, we are introducing the position of Military Comptroller to ensure accountability and transparency to Canadian finances. We cannot continue to use a system wherein Military Units are unsure if they received what they deserve. We should not function in such a way that Canadians have no idea where there money is going without pouring through hundreds of Congressional threads.

The concept of a comptroller is simple - a person, neutral and objective, to monitor and document spending. Until today, this has been a floating task - for Military Leaders, who should be waging war, for Cabinet Ministers, who are (and should be) loyal to their employing President, and the Chief himself, who damn well ought to be governing. Simply put, it's a job that, essential though it is, nobody's wanted to do it. No longer.

Wally Cleaver, in an efort to increase transparency and accountability in government, has agreed to serve as a Military Comptroller and monitor spending in a publicly viewed (not edited) Google Document. This means that anyone, at any time, can drop by and see where their taxes are being spent. And if the President ever has concerns, they can ticket the admins as usual, and right away they have a ledger to compare against. A comptroller means no time need be wasted hunting dollars down - gaps will be immediately apparent.

It's not a flashy, sexy position or one you'd tell your girlfriends and hubbies about, but it needs to be done. This is eRepublik, not eDrunkenRevelry. Sometimes, the boring work needs to be done. It's in our best interest to have someone whose job it is to do just that.

Miltary units always come up in these releases. And with good reason! Below is a list of our most prominent MUs, with their leaders' names for you to contact them directly. Shoot them a message, join an MU today!

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Crisfire
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.