[CP] 115 Minutes

Day 1,324, 16:57 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Give this a listen. Something to keep in mind as we head into the post-election period.
I do not look good in funny hats.

A lot has happened on this our first day of the July term. This morning, 25 minutes after I took office, eCanada was wiped from the map for the second time in our history. The loss at the Yukon cost us our home, and for 115 minutes, we were without refuge. But this was temporary.

Less than 2 hours later - far faster than the dragging 3 days of 2009's wipe - Canada was returned to the map in valuable British Columbia, a safe haven behind a wall of stinky Indonesians. We stand at one region against an occupied 12, but we move forward. This afternoon the battle of Alberta opened, and as of this writing we are kicking sleeping Indonesian ass. Two battles were easily won, the third is going likewise.

We will continue to advance, Resistance after Resistance, until the Indonesian Pests have been driven from the West Coast back across the ocean. Their public scoldings from One, along with their absurd observance of "different time zones" gives us control of the battlefield. They are setting a Natural Enemy outside of North America, and rightly so. Indonesia will not hold our lands for long. They're strong, you say? Get off my lawn.

What of other fronts?

A number of conversations have been had today between Canada and our allies. More fronts will be opening in the coming days, for a variety of reasons. We will update you as they appear to make sure Canadians know what's going on, and where we can do the most good.

We've also set targets for protecting our allies, especially the United States to our South. The sooner the US is repatriated, the sooner Poland and Indonesia will abandon Canada for more contentious regions. We've seen this before. Big alliance invades, stomps around for a few weeks, then goes somewhere else. And falls apart. Bets on a repeat?

Where should I fight?

Battle Orders are being updated every few hours in The Ministry of Communication's Newspaper. Articles will be published daily with Orders detailing where to put your damage. As well, if you're the Forum or IRC using type, orders can be found on there. Fight strong - fight smart! Follow Battle Orders to help Canada WIN.

Want to level up, and kick One out the door? Join a Military Unit. There are tons to choose from in eCanada, and each supply their soldiers with top grade equipment. This is not a time for draft dodging - get in an MU today.

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Crisfire
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline

It's my job to be open and accessible to Canadians. No question is unimportant, no issue will go unheeded. Catch me or a member of the Government on IRC in #eCanCabinet. We'll answer your questions, or point you to someone who can.

Stay Strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.