[Boh] The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Day 1,978, 02:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear friends and readers

I will be broaching an interesting topic today. Recently we have had a lot of real world nationalism, and how it is important, thrust into our faces here at the eUK. The question of nationalism is an interesting one - and something I intend to address in this article.

Names, Places and Babybooms

This is probably the most positive aspect of real world nationalism and what is the closest to patriotism. Here in the New World of erepublik this is reflected in the way that we have renamed many of the ingame institutions, like Congress is referred to as the House of Commons, we have a King of the eUK, the CP is known as the 'Prime Minister' and there is even the 'OBE' award.

Other nations follow a similar pattern, such as the USA with the Potus, White House, and the like. This is a practice that has seen some phasing out here in the eUK which I would say is a shame as it really fosters patriotism and a sense of identity for the entire enation. In this manner, nationalistic feelings are a good thing for creating unity, community and national spirit.

Likewise, the issue of nationalism can be very good for a nation in terms of promoting a baby boom, as shown recently by Argentina in their war against us, by Poland against Germany and Serbia against Croatia and other Balkan nations.

So, nationalism is good for a nation, in terms of a possible BB, creating and fostering a national spirit and bringing nations together.

Failed Diplomacy, Perma-war, Pointless Conflict

This is the 'bad' side of nationalism. The desire to expand ones borders and prosecute wars against nations that a real world enemy/issue. The question of whether or not this is a good idea if not questioned and usually leads to failed diplomacy, perma-war and pointless conflicts.

Easiest places to point to for examples of this are: Serbia v Balkans, Bulgaria v Turkey, Macedonia v Greece, UK v Ireland. Throughout their ehistory most of these nations have been in a state of semi-permanent war, although, notably, some of these nations have grown up and realised that constant war over nationalistic issues has not exactly been a good thing, such as Hungary and Romania, well to some degree, and until recently with the UK and Ireland coming to nearly a year of solid peace and mutual respect.

A failed diplomacy is even worse, though, such as not being able to see past your antagonism to a new working with nations in alliance, such as you will never, ever see Macedonia and Greece together and Bulgaria quit EDEN over Turkey's addition. Likewise, to start something new in the name of nationalism can lead to a failure in a nations foreign policy, such as Argentina's airstrike against us over the pointless issue of the Falklands. This has meant that they need to pray for our goodwill if they ever want in TWO, for us to bury the hatchet if you will.

What failed diplomacy ultimately means is that a nation can lose out as a result of their real world nationalistic grudges, not being able to put them aside and look at the bigger picture.

In summary, then, nationalism can cause failed diplomacy which leads, or can lead, to long term issues like perma-war and not seeing the big picture meaning you can lose out.

Bombs over Belgrade

Finally, we have the final aspect of nationalism and this is probably the biggest danger of mixing real world nationalism in with ingame strategy, especially in the area of strategy. Its the ugly, abusive and flaming aspect of it that all countries who take part in nationalistic tirades are guilty of.

Its the referencing the real life events, like the bombing of belgrade, the IRA bombings in Northern Ireland and that ilk that turns nationalism from something that helps build community to something that is quite ugly. Its the darker side of this if you will and prevents the building, or return, of mutual respect between nations.

Patriotism: A Lesser Form

Nationalism is good for nations, specifically in its incarnation as patriotism, it is when it blinds nations to the long-term view leaving them with a desire to merely keep the war going. Or when it moves into the area of abusing real life events and issues, such as insulting British soldiers who died in the Falklands war, or those killed in the Balkan conflicts.

Patriotism, therefore, the love for ones nation is the main reason most us play, the reason we continue playing. It builds up the community, but we must be aware of taking it to far, of not recognising when it crosses into the Bad or the downright Ugly.

- Patriotism is good for building up a nation
- bad when it blinds to FA long term and leads to perma-war
- turns ugly when it comes to RL events

Finally, in summary, I ask that you respect the RL events that shape the real world, there is no need to bring it in game. Its pointless and causes deep personal feelings in some people.

The Daily Knight