[Boh] Romanian Crisis

Day 1,983, 19:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Romania/UK alliance?

This has kicked up an almighty storm, why? Because people don't realise that a World War is brewing and has been brewing for the past few months. This is why TWO was formed, so we would be prepared for this war.

Why is the Romanian MPP such a problem? Well, because our Circle of Trust allies have taken it personally and decided to cut us loose. This act, though, but the UK and the rest of TWO has roots that lie in CoT's decision to allow the United States to join their alliance, a long time enemy of our nation and alliance.

This act by CoT split relations between the two alliances to a point where war is a stone throw away, it is interesting to note that the US attacked us and Serbia via Albania and Argentina/Ireland. This has prompted us to look for new allies and friends.

Circle of Trust have no power of the US. Simple fact, really, for the fact that the US ignores their leadership. They have been referred to as 'the poisoned Chalice', it is also important to note that the US has actively stated that they want to take Wales for resources. That, and also wanting to seize rubber, why do you think Poland sits in Wales currently and this is the region we don't want to lose?

Well, this is all well and good, you say, but what does this have to do with Romania? Simply put, Romania is a place where TWO has been approaching in order to gain a new member, to grow bigger than ONE ever was and to fully destroy EDEN. This objective is closer than ever, and it requires someone with the balls to remove Romania from EDEN, and the other powerhouses: Croatia, Greece, Turkey and China. As it stands, EDEN is the closest to its death as it ever has got, and TWO had the balls to put aside animosity and pull Romania out of EDEN in order to bring them down.

It is also a reaction to the US being accepted a full member of CoT despite their failure to do anything, really, to help CoT and focused more on being anti-TWO. New allies are needed as it is not clear which way CoT will fall in a war between TWO and the US.

As for our South American friends, we never meant to create a rift with you, and Jimbojoy has stated that we will never consider an MPP with Argentina, in fact, no-one even wants them anyway as they smell. We do love you guys and would hate to lose you as allies over something like this, but we will always remember the good times we had with you and the period of closeness as allies. We will not make the step to sever ties, we will continue to back you against Argentina and the like for the foreseeable future.

This Romanian MPP can only be criticised for one thing, it was rushed through without enough debate, however, it was always going to be tough to do even though we will need to do it at some point, remember, if they join TWO then they will have to be MPP'd. Unless its Argentina, in which case, they can bugger of.

Finally, I would ask that if you disagree, please do so politely and with reasoned debate. Lets get some discussion going!

The Daily Knight