[BfB]Kylero for Congress

Day 1,432, 15:32 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

My fellow eBelgians,

Its that time of the month again...

No, no, not that. I mean, its time to vote for your Congressional Representatives. And I want to be your Congressman from Brussels, again! I think we have a lot of work to do, and I feel up to the challenge of doing said work.

tl;dr version: Vote for me!

Why should you vote for me?

I support our troops and our military! Our rapid reaction forces are the envy of the New World, and I plan to give them whatever they need...

^This is what they need...

I want justice, and equality for all. I will work with other Congressmembers to ensure that our laws are clear and fair so EVERYONE can follow them, and if not...get the smackdown!

But...I'd trade it all in for some of this Justice!

Umm...what else?

Low taxes, freedom, and drugs...lots of drugs. Pretty much what this guy is for:

Okay, that is all. Vote for Kylero!