[Baratheon] Ours is the fury! Join us!

Day 1,689, 08:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Ours is the fury!

A war is coming. The house must unite to claim the iron throne! We are one of the great houses of Westeros, hailing from the famous Stormlands region.

Join us!

1. In order to join in on the glory of our house, you must be a member of the forums of eUK.
2. Request access in this thread.
3. Talon should grant access as such. You will have the ability to see our forums and plan to win the throne.
4. You can be granted access to our IRC channel on Rizon!

Bannermen, our true strength

High Lord Baratheon

Talon Karrde
Our high lord is a former two time UK prime minister and is currently the leader of The Unity Party, the UK's largest political party. In addition to this, he is one of the leading authorities He is now leading our glorious house to victory!

Lords Baratheon

Alan Hammond
Our lord, Lan Baratheon is a an oldy on eRepublik, and is one of the founding fathers of The Unity Party. He is brother to our High Lord Baratheon.

Gregory Gallangher - or Kulgar
Our lord, Gregor Baratheon is currently the Secretary General of ONE, a global alliance on eRepublik and is one of the most renown ONE citizens of the eWorld, former Hungarian CP being one of his many titles. He is cousin to our High Lord Baratheon.

Lords of the Stormlands

Blue and Evil
Lord Dondarrion of Blackhaven is a former Minister of Home Affairs for the UK and is a member of Every Single One. He swears his fealty to the High Lord Baratheon.

Count Drakula
Lord Caron of Nightsong is the current Minister of Defence for the UK and is one of the old military people in the UK. He has sworn his fealty to the High Lord Baratheon.

Lord Baelish is a former multiple time MoHA and has been a CP candidate for The Unity Party in the past. He has, in the past, hosted the UK's podcast alongside Woldy.

Nicholas Boyce
Lord Tarth of Evenfall Hall is an eCanadian congressman. He has wished to participate in the Game of Thrones game. He swears his fealty to the High Lord Baratheon.

Sir Humphrey Appleby
Lord Swann of Stonehelm is also a former country president and a prominent member of the historical United Kingdom Reform Party.

I am Lord Estermont of Greenstone. I am former CP of the UK and a former member of ONE HQ. I have sworn fealty to his High Lord Baratheon.

Other members - Have yet to state family tree

Dr Duncan
The Crom

Thank you for reading!
Lord Thomas Estermont