[Aus DoD Orders] Day 1519 updated 1555

Day 1,519, 00:58 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department

Enough is enough.
The Kiwis will pay for their insults to us.
The time is now.

Natural Enemy Facts:
- 0.5 Strength Bonus when using Training Grounds.
- 10% Influence Bonus when fighting.

Priority 1:
FOR Australia in Canterbury - Wait for it to open.

FOR Australia in Otago

Mercenary Medal

Standing Orders
- Use Training (Free) and Climbing Centre (0.19G) for 7.5+ Strength every day.
- Work for an Aussie company to help build our economy.
- Bring it with passion and attitude.

The Australian Defence Force are recruiting True Blue Blooded Aussies. The ADF is the common meeting place of career soldiers and our allies in militia. Come onto forums to see how we have unified might in Australia and help rank new recruits with speed. Our supplies are quite yummy too.

Join the ADF today.

You need to be part of the Aus Citizen group on Aus Forums to join, so shout if you need help becoming a hero.
Aus eRepublik Forums.
After that join the Australian Defence Force Military Unit

ADF Military Company Jobs
ADF currently pay a 5 CNY salary and you get 4Q6 Weapons per day with a bonus of 4Q6 if you work every day in the week. Speak to Malgoo to find out where you are needed.
(Move to China to take the job - ask if you need travel money)

Crusader Carl for giving us a reason to love and hate.

Majester (Man with the Big Hat)
Alimilano (Man who wants a hat so badly he got his boss fired.)
Henry the 8th (Man who stole a hat while I wasn't looking and sold it to a militia)