[ADF] UPDATED! More updates and some other stuff

Day 2,150, 15:43 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force
Hey eAus!!!

As you may know, Operation Aurora Australis is well under way. The main aim of OAA is to free Australia from the occupation of Indonesia (Macedonia has already been dealt with - yay!). So far, OAA has been pretty damn successful!

We're currently liberating our last region, Tasmania. I've set combat orders for every division, so get your arses over there and KICK THE SH!T OUT OF THESE MOTHERFLUFFERS!!!!

The ADF is a vehicle for good within eAustralia, owned by the people and their Government and is an ever changing MU. We hope to guide and nurture the new players of today and help retain them and develop them into becoming the Molly's and Scottty's of tomorrow. In the past we know players were discouraged from joining the in game MU but we hope that attitude has been turned around and that together we can make the country proud of our in game accomplishments. Speaking of in game accomplishments…

For three days out of the last five, the ADF has come first in the military unit rankings, and the other two days we were second. That’s pretty damn impressive even if I do say so myself! I am very proud of the levels of activity within the ADF right now, not just from older more established players, but from newer players to the game too!

Since I was appointed Marshal from the previous Deputy/Acting Marshal, we have seen a significant increase in our active fighters completing their daily orders from 4 to 20. I don’t believe this is a coincidence and believe this is down to some of the exciting new changes we have made and initiatives we have added. Rest assured that I do consider myself in this for the long haul as long as the DoD are happy in my performance as ADF Marshal.

I hope that the Government will allow me to continue the reforms of the ADF and we hope to take the ADF from strength to strength in encouraging, developing and assisting the young fighters of eAustralia.

As was under the leadership of Molly Jo, supplies are getting distributed and no young soldier is short of their daily supplies. Speaking of supplies - due to the Government supplying this month, every fighter in the ADF regardless of Division will be supplied. Every fighter who completes their daily order will also receive food too! Oh, and as of tomorrow, supplies will be 10Q7’s a day, rather than the 8 we have been handing out. This also means that the Regiment competition supplies will be increasing to 12Q7’s.

Another change we have introduced is removing players who have become inactive for 14 days plus. We do send them an apologetic message explaining why and that the door is always open once they return but we do this to keep numbers down, rather than a top heavy MU full of inactive or dead players. New players joining the ADF might find it discouraging to see large amounts of people who have not been active for over three weeks, which is why we have taken the step we have. However if you are going to be away from the game for a period of time then contact us and let us know and you will remain within the MU.

As a final side note, we are sad to see the departure of Molly Jo from the ADF. Molly was Marshal during my time in eAustralia and I have come to know her as approachable, friendly, warm and a great leader. I do not doubt at some point she will be ADF Marshal again but at this moment in time I would like to offer her the hand of gratitude for her work. THANK YOU MOLLY!

If you’re a new player looking for an active Military Unit that dishes out daily supplies to those who complete their DO’s...then pop over to us. We’re very active and always willing to help!

Thanks for reading guys 🙂

Claire Louise, Dr Hugh Jardon and Noodles84
ADF Marshal and Deputy Marshals

Thanks to Hugh for helping me out on this one!!