[ADF] Uhh...Hi, and some stuff!

Day 2,241, 05:09 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Ahreet eAus 😉

Before I begin, I apologise for how poo this article is. My brain doesn't actually seem to be working today. And no it's not the booze! Ok, it might be the booze, but that's besides the point. I'm just having one of those "I got things to say, except there's no connection between my brain and my fingers, so I'm kind of f*cked" days. So sorry about this!

Yesterday I was contacted by the DoD, asking if I would take over the role as Marshal of the ADF. After a little bit of a thunk and making sure no feathers would be ruffled or toes stepped on, I said yes!

Firstly, it’s awesome to be working for eAus again, and I really am grateful to Mick for allowing both myself and Dr Hugh to work for you guys, despite currently having eCanadian citizenship. As soon as we are able to, we will both be moving back over here. Also - I can’t help but think we all need a nickname for Mick. Cos everytime I type Mick it just...yknow? Sour taste and that. I think from now on I’ll have to call him Skitz.

Now, in regards to supplies - there currently isn’t a budget, so we have no moneys to spend on over-priced weapons. I will, however, try my damned hardest to help you guys out wherever I can. Just like before, those in divisions 1 and 2 will be supplied daily providing you complete your daily orders, although numbers are yet to be decided. Competitions and things like that will kick in again soon.

I have had a bit of a cull on the members - there were a ton who hadn’t been around for like two months, so they’ve been removed. I re-check every few days, and if a player has been inactive for above two weeks, they will be removed. If you get removed and you are actually around and perhaps just training then please let me know, so I don’t end up kicking you out haha. Likewise if I have already kicked you out - please rejoin and send me an abusive message for doing so! It’s much easier for me to see activity levels and to get out supplies if we aren’t bogged down with inactive accounts.

Speaking of inactivity...guys, dafuq happened? I want you posting more, about anything you fecking well want! Activity is low again and it definitely needs a severe kick up the arse. I’ll be doing competitions and things to get you guys involved as much as possible. I’ll also be brainstorming for some new ideas too. Articles will be especially important this month, since it's the only way both me and Hugh can communicate with you guys on a large scale.

Ok, I can’t think of anything else. Having one of those really slow brain days today. So because of that - here is an adorable picture of my little man Buddy. He's ace. Just look at how he's got his tiny little paws!!!

Yes, he's fluffing beautiful and does lovely poses for his mummy!

Cheers guys o7

Claire Louise, Dr Hugh Jardon and Mickskitz
Marshal and Deputy Marshals