[ADF] Thanks, supplies and stuff!

Day 2,160, 04:53 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Firstly: Please direct any damage towards the battle in Lesser Sunda Islands, but fight for Indonesia. I know, it sounds dirty, but we need Poland to come help us out, so we need to lose this region!

Well, after being in hospital at the beginning of the week I'm just about getting back on my feet again. It's been, well, a horrific experience overall, I've been left in a lot of pain and currently have a 6 inch cut just above my bikini line that's infected haha. Nice! So, to everyone who wished me well throughout this terrible experience and to those who were patient with me: THANKYOU! It was really nice to come on here whilst I was in hospital and see people wishing me well, it meant so much! So again, thankyou!!

Also, on a really personal level, I just want to say a really proper massive thankyou to Dr Hugh for putting up with me through all of this and so much more. You're my rock, I love you to bits you utter utter w4nker

Right, onto business...

Supplies Update

Some of you may have noticed that supplies have changed about a bit again. For the remainder of this term, the ADF is funded directly by the Government, rather than having a budget. I now hand out supplies according to Government Guidelines. The run down for supplies is as follows:

Those under 5k strength receive 8 Q7 weapons a day
Those above 5k strength receive 10 Q7 weapons a day
Those above 10k strength receive 12 Q7 weapons a day
Those above 20k strength receive 15 Q7 weapons a day
And Those above 50k strength receive 20 Q7 weapons a day

So, with the ADF not having a budget, that does mean that for now at least, forum roll calls are suspended. Without a budget we can't give you guys extra food, although you will also be receiving food along with your weapons each day from now on. So until further notice, there are no roll calls, sorry guys!!

I'd also like to apologise for the lack of inter-MU competitions this week. As I'm sure you can appreciate, it's been a very tough week for me, but everything will be back to normal next week 🙂

And now for something a bit more cheery: Member of the Week, yay!!

This week, we have 18 members up for MOTW. These fighters are: Cherechambre, Black Stallion, Squizzar, Bordoc, Doovah Sandy, Mali Vanja, Danman132, MTU4000, T.B. Hat, Orng, ForTeaSicks, Firtz, Matt Jackson, 8nt1mat3r, Blanke, Majester, Overlord and AusOrac.

And so, the winner is... Danman132, yay! Congrats buddy 🙂

Also, because I feel like being a bit generous (blame the drugs, I am...) I'm going to run a lottery. It will run until this article leaves the media in 48hrs time. All you need to do is 1) Be a member of the ADF MU (doesn't matter what division) and 2) Comment below with a number between 1 and 50. You'll be entered into a draw and whoever has the winning number will win 10 Gold. More yay!!!

Alright, that's enough typing. Take it easy guys o7

Claire Louise, Dr Hugh Jardon and Majester
ADF Marshal and Deputy Marshals

*MOTW and Lottery Prizes are private donations from myself and Dr Hugh*