[ADF] MOTW and a small update

Day 2,261, 07:16 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Ahreet Aussies 😉

Firstly, lets get the poo update out the way. In regards to giving gold to those who strength train - I'm pulling the plug on that. I've done it for a week so far, and only on three days have I had to send gold to one person for training, and on two of those days the gold wasn't accepted within the 3 days and was returned. Nobody has trained every single day that I have on my list, and those who I assume do get weapons anyway. Weapon supplies remain the same - 5 Q7's when we have an Aus battle or when we have orders from DoD, 4 Q4's the rest of the time.

Yup, another MOTW. Maybe it's just me but man the weeks seem to be flying by. This week, there are 10 people up for MOTW. They are:

Callum Ormond, Nobody Cares, Jay Doggy Aus, Theoski Lasio, Felidoncio, Peter The Awesome, Cooper Joel, Dr. Lathandar Turin, Raneme and Arty Fartblast.

And so the winner is...............................

Congrats Peter! I'll be sending your 2 gold over soon!

So, what do you need to do to have a chance at winning 2 gold? Complete your daily orders 4 or more times in a week. Starting tomorrow, everyone, regardless of Division, will be included in the MOTW. Yay!

Well that was nice and quick. Take it easy guys o7

Claire Louise
ADF Marshal