[ADF] Member of the Week, prizes, lottery!

Day 2,247, 03:30 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Hi guys!

Finally getting around to doing an article. The past few days have been a bit poo, which is why I haven’t put anything out. ‘Nuff rambling, let’s just do stuff!

Yup, Member of the Week is back. This time around, though, the prize will be 2 gold. Oh yeah, 2 gold! All an ADF member needs to do in order to be automatically put into the draw is complete your daily orders 4 or more times in a week. That’s it. Pretty simple, right?

Unfortunately, only three people have actually done their daily orders 4 or more times this week. They are; Jay Doggy NZ, Kodas F and Nobody Cares. So well done to them, but to say I’m a little disheartened at the lack of activity is an understatement.

So, the winner this week is:

Yay, well done Kodas, 2 gold is winging it’s way to you very soon!

So, let’s talk money. Hopefully, a budget will be winging its way to me within the next few days. Those who have done their DO’s have been supplied - unfortunately only with Q6 tanks, but it’s all I can afford until I get a budget. Once I do, I can start rolling out Q7’s, and depending on prices and other factors, might be able to start throwing some food into the mix too. Those who are strength training will start to receive 0.19 gold per day for training. I can’t do it right now, as I personally don’t have the cash, especially since I want to kick start other things, liiiiike...

Bringing the ADF Lottery back! It won’t be probably until next week, but all you will need to do is comment on that article with a number between 1 and 50, and whoever gets it, or is closest to it, will win 10 gold. God, I’m good to you lot, aren’t I?

As as last note, voting for captains is tomorrow, so if you want to run for captain of your regiment in the ADF, you need to click on "community" at the top, and then Military Unit, and you'll see a little banner near the top.

*EDIT* HUGE THANKYOU to Cyber Casper for donating a whopping 500 Q7's to the ADF!

Alright, that’s all, folks! o7

Claire Louise

ADF Marshal

*any prizes given out are donations from us and are not from any budget