[ADF] Budget, supplies, lottery and MOTW!

Day 2,254, 06:51 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

G’daaaaay Aussies!

Oooh, lots of stuff today. I’ll start with the boring (but important) stuff.

ADF now has a budget. We’re starting with a cool 10k, but if/when I need more, I can approach Skitz and be all ‘please, sir, can we have some more?’ He also sent over 800 Q4 weapons from the government. Aswell as getting pennies in the org, I also received a 20 gold donation from Nicky6Fingers, which I converted to CC, giving us another 4040AUD in the pot. So thankyou verrrrrry much 😃

Supplies are changing guys. Weapons prices are ridiculous, and if I was to continue supplying 8Q7’s a day, we’d be broke in a matter of days. Take for instance if I was supplying 14 people as I did yesterday, it’d cost roughly a whopping 2600AUD just for one day. We can’t maintain that. So here’s how supplies are going to work from now on:
When Aus is involved in a battle, or when we are told specifically by our CP and DoD to fight somewhere, those doing daily orders will get 5 Q7’s
Every other time, the supplies will be 4 Q4 weapons.

Of course, this is subject to change at any time, depending on prices and how much money we have. I’d love to be giving out more, but the prices are just stupid and maintaining the 8 Q7’s is just… ridiculous. You can blame the admins!

For those who are training (and aren’t on the first free ground) you’ll receive 0.19 for the days you train. It works just like daily orders - for example, if you trained yesterday, you’ll be sent the gold today. If I have you down as a strength trainer and you’ve fought, you’ll receive weapons, not gold.

Okay, so now that the poo bit is out the way, lets get on to the fun stuff!

We had a total of 13 entrants for this months lottery. These are the names and numbers of people who entered

Let’s pick a number at random, shall we?


So, that means that the winner of the 10 gold is Irv Noyb. Congrats buddy 😃
Jay Doggy NZ wins the 5 gold prize
And Callum Ormond grabs the 3 gold. Nice one guys!

To everyone else, I'm really sorry, but if I'm still Marshal next month there will be another lottery - plus, there's Member of the Week every week where you can grab gold too. Speaking of which...

Yup, it’s MOTW again. Is it just me or has the past week gone really quick ‘cos I swear I only did this a few days ago!

This week, there is 13 people who have done their daily orders 4 or more times. 13! Ten more than last week. Thankyou guys, you’ve definitely made my day with that! The 13 people who are up for MOTW are: Callum Ormond, Nobody Cares, Jay Doggy NZ, Rhysx2, Doovah Sandy, Theoski Lasio, James Rellori, Felidoncio, The.Governator, r8thir, Lolile68, Dr. Lathandar Turin and Raneme. Nice one guys!

And the winner issssss…

Well done bud!

Well, that's my pockets 20 gold lighter haha!

Thankyou to everyone who took part in the lottery and to everyone for being more active, it’s awesome!

All the gold will be sent out real soon 🙂 Congrats again folks!

♔Claire Louise
ADF Marshal♔

P.S - Oi Skitz...you're a member of ADF, you totally could have entered the lottery you fool! 😃