[AdB News] Doomsday? or Bugsday? eRebuglik strikes back

Day 1,856, 07:56 Published in Chile Chile by Hire.killer

At 6:45 hrs Romania attacked Hungary in Galicia and Lodomeria. This attack activated a massive bug in War Module: other 9 campaign was activate

After about 1 hour, a lot of them was won for the defender

What'll is happen about his initiative? Why all attack was simultaneous? Massive World War?

At now, Snow fight! mission was bugge😛

The always-inactive country of "U-R-GAY" sent NE to Chile! http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Uruguay/120953

Other bug! Centra East Chaco battle was on ~T60, but it finish and currently battle was erased

Plato saw all the bug, and shut down server. Headless Chicken!

Doomsday? ... or just eRebuglik? xD


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