Day 687, 00:15 Published in Greece Greece by markos28

Here you can see all the Presidential elections in each county you want to see..

Presidential Election

Useful link for the companies and for the players to find a good job

Currency Exhange Market or Salaries aroud the eWorld

Here you can see the Productivity Calculator..its a tool very useful for the companies

Productivity Calculator

eRepublik Stock eXchange ..is a link that soon is going to be very famous..i am not going to say support only the Greek companies..that is not possible of course,as there are a lots of of great companies you can invest in..

.eRepublik Stock eXchange

eRepublik tools/International is a site that you can find everything... (price of all products,taxes,tresury,stats from battles etc)

eRepublik tools/International

OR,you can use this link too..similar to the eRepublik tools/International


Every donation is welcome too.Click here to donate anything you like to my citizent account 🙂