The power of EDEN

Day 1,223, 04:14 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Master of the world1

The things that happens in eRepublik are frighten!Evry eDay there are a lot of battles and battles starts on new fronts evry minute!One of the reasons, why I am writing this article is because of this article.There one macedonian players says that EDEN is going to loose from NWO on every single front.Nut i don't think that this is about to happen!

The battle between Serbia and Croatia.
Theese two countries are one of the mightiest in the eWorld.In fact they are attacking each other for about 2 months, but nothing happend.But from two weeks ago Croatia started loosing region after region.But after eYesterday Croatia is startin to win and it gets back it' confidence.But Croatia isn't winning the battles alone.They are winned by the help of allies.So HAIL EDEN!

The battle between Romania and Hungary
Two more mighty countries in the eWorld.Maybe, in the battles between these two countris, was done the biggest influence ever.Like eSerbia, eHungary was occupating region after region.But the things are changing.Now eRomania is very confident and wins very well.But like Croatia she isn't winning alone.She wins with the help of allies!So HAIL EDEN!

The battle between Greece and Turkey
For more than two months Turkey has been occupated by Greece.But now eTurkey freed 5 regions.But if think what we know about turkish players?-They are the honest ones.The best from the were the Lazokrats,Goldfinger, and now some of the strongest turkish players are banned again.So in that order I think that soon we won't be able to see Turkey on the map.So HAIL EDEN!

The battle between Italy and Macedonia
Macedonia is one young country and i still remember how it was occupated by eBulgaria.Now they think theirselves for big work, attacking eItaly - county with less population than Macedonia.But soon their turn will come too.So HAIL EDEN!

The battle between Bulgaria and Iran
What can i say here?Iran is still on the map because of good generosity of Bulgarians.However after the changes in the game Iranian colonies become useless, so we don't need them.But Iran played his role- when we attacked their capital - many serbian tanks, came to help them instead fighting for NWO.So HAIL EDEN!

After one good week for NWO, now it's time for EDEN to show, who the real power is!Give vot and sub if you like it!