Leroy Combs next president candidate

Day 6,092, 12:47 Published in USA USA by AmirS1996

Hi eUSA,
Today, we have a special interview for you with President Candidate Leroy Combs, who is the party president of the Rough Riders and current minister of defense. I expect a good support for him in the future election. (And a lot of comments to pass the mission!! 😃)

Hi Leroy, please answer to these questions for us:

Economic Policy
1. What are your plans for further strengthening the USA’s economy in eRepublik?
We currently have one of the strongest economies in eRepublik, I plan to continue this.
2. How will you balance taxation to ensure both government revenue and economic growth?
We currently can't spend all the funds we generate so I will continue our low tax policy that allows our citizens to buy products at some of the lowest prices.
3. Do you have any specific initiatives to support new companies?
The eUS will continue to maintain our resource bonuses so any factory that is correctly located will receive the best productivity bonuses in the game.

Military Strategy
4. What are your key priorities for the USA’s military strategy moving forward?
To continue to weaken CODE, maintain our training wars, and look toward the next alliances that may be forming.
5. How do you plan to improve coordination and effectiveness within our allies forces?
We currently have pretty good coordination with our allies as secretary of defense. I have seen this in action over the last 2 months. I hope to keep our military coordination team in tack.
6. Can you elaborate on any upcoming military campaigns or defensive strategies?
We are currently working on an operation in the middle east that should be interesting.

Foreign Relations
7. What is your approach to building and maintaining international alliances?
Maintaining our training wars has been a good way of maintaining relationships with several of our allies and other interested countries. These interactions have led to additional discussions, so everyone is on the same page.
8. Are there any specific countries you aim to strengthen ties with? Why?
Not really any new country's but to strengthen our existing ties with our neighbors and allies.
9. How will you handle diplomatic conflicts that may arise with other nations?
We have to always look to how a decision will affect the eUS in the long run we cannot allow a short-term decision cause use long-term pain.

Domestic Policy
10. What initiatives do you have in mind to increase citizen engagement and participation?
I believe getting the white house press room up and going again will give our citizens some interaction and we may even revive the old eNPR.
11. How will you ensure transparency and accountability in your administration?
We will work with congress to make sure everyone knows what funds are being spent and for what.
12. What are your plans for addressing any internal challenges or divisions within the community?
With the tools we have in game it is hard, one thing we do is prescreen new players that want to move here from other countries. I hope that party presidents can continue to work toward better working relationships between party's which will only be good for the country in the long run. I wish the options could be given to party presidents to censure or remove bad actors within a party.

Economic Reforms
13. Do you have any plans for economic reforms or new trade agreements?
Not at this time our tax policy is pretty well set, and with the training wars it is very hard to use any blockades or tariffs. This is an area where game enhancements would be welcomed.
14. How will you support the working-class citizens and ensure fair wages?
Within the game mechanics we have done about all we can by keeping taxes as low as possible. The wages are consistent across the eworld based on a county's resources.

Future Vision
15. What is your long-term vision for the USA in eRepublik?
I would like to see the eUS become one of the 5 largest countries in the eworld by population. This will be hard to do without some improved game mechanics.
16. How do you plan to adapt to changes and challenges in the game environment?
We have some very knowledgeable people working within the government. If something changes or something new is introduced, we will try to find a solution that puts the country in the best place possible.
17. What legacy do you hope to leave at the end of your term as president?
I want people to know I did the best I could, that I was not afraid to try new things. I want people to say that my administration was active on both the domestic and military fronts.

Crisis Management
18. How will you handle unexpected crises, such as economic downturns or military invasions?
The economy is currently dying a slow death; without new game mechanics we have a hard job ahead of us. As for a military invasion I hope to start a strategic weapons reserve so that we will have the means to fight back as hard as our citizens can.

Author: AmirS1996
President Candidate: Leroy Combs