I am jamesw and I want you to read this article

Day 867, 20:16 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

[03:30] Polio: Where's my mention?

Basically, hi, I want a CP medal.

Thats right! I felt that today, of all days, is the best day for me to announce my intention to run for Prime Minister; lana doesn't pay for herself, you know. As well as that, I was cruelly robbed during the last election; this month, together, we can rectify this horrific injustice.

I am jamesw, I am quite stupid, often troll and had too many FPs to run this term (I'll be down to like 0.5 FP shortly.) I have served in the UK government for the last 5 consecutive months, in some form or other. I've been Minister of Profit for this past term, as well as being Minister of Work for 6 weeks prior to that. I was also Gifting Director, and before that I was an apprentice in the Ministry of Work.

In terms of party politics, Ive been in the TUP for roughly 2 months, serving as PP for this last month (I am quite horrific at party politics related things, except MVs.) Prior to that, I served as Vice PP in the UKRP; wait, UKRP and TUP; yes, I know, I'm clearly insane.

Totally unrelated picture

Unlike the usual terms: I will not promise success. Similarly, I thought I'd be all amazingly cool, (CP 2.0 if you will) and run outside of my party; the fact is, I don't really want to have to check results every hour on election day; I want nominations from both big hitters. That way, you don't have to waste time reading long articles you have little interest in; I don't have to waste time taking applications for cabinet posts, as I will approach people I am happy to be in my cabinet - this way you do not have to waste time applying for jobs we both know you were never going to get: I have literally thought of everything.

Another unrelated picture

If anyone is interested, I have already written the manifestos: if you want to endorse me for President next term and would like to go over them: please do let me know. For anyone who is curious as to what I will be doing, I have a lovely tl;dr list for you:

- Upgrade military companies; I want Q3 guns in the navy and Q4 in the SF

- Moar military spending; higher wages, more use of guns, you get the gist.

- New, smaller ministries; I hope you even.

- Cabinets; 3 sets of brains are better than 1.

- Less srsbsns; I will abolish srsbsns. trufax

I will also do many more things; If you want a hugely long, complicated, pictured filled manifesto on economics, the military, domestic issues, foreign affairs, and my introduction: feel free to get in touch; I will be happy to send them to you.

Yes, I am implying that me as Prime Minister would bring great profit