Earn 1140 JPY with Q6 Weapon Resell Program

Day 1,710, 03:57 Published in Japan Japan by Geezus
Q6 Weapon Resell Program - Earn 1140 JPY - Because of the change of game mechanics.
Q6 Weapon Resell Program - Earn 900 JPY

If you take a part in this program You not only earn money but helps Japan to make some more state income!

If you have 1000 free slots in Your storage and 22500 JPY own money you can earn 900 JPY.

How is it works:
1. I have put a large quantity (10k) of q6 weapons on the ejapanese market (Geezus)at 22.5. Buy 1000 q6 from this. (costs: 22500 JPY). Please remember how many q6 weapons left from my offer after You bought the 1000 q6 from me.
2. Put the 1000 q6 to the japanese market at the same price (22.5 each). Don't forget you should sell this weapons at Japan and can't take back your offer!
3. Fill this form to get the 5400 JPY donation: http://tinyurl.com/bmodzy8
4. As your market offer of weapon is under 1000 q6 weapon simply buy another 1000 q6 (until the program is still open).

After You sold the Q6 weapons You earned 900 JPY.
Expenses 1000*22.25=22500 JPY
Incomes 1000*18=18000 + 5400 donation = 23400 JPY

The program is valid until withdrawn. (Until I have more than 1000 q6 on the market )

