[Official statement]The walking sticks(Bastun) suspended EDEN!

Day 1,566, 17:46 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Bukso

Dear Friends and Allies,

Tonight we held an emergency summit of the walking sticks squad on request of Bukso, also called bash bastun, with just one topic in the agenda. Discussion and resolution of the comical circus called Eden HQ.

Many things were discussed - regarding the recent events, taken and unnecessary moves, negotiations and possible outcomes. Based on recent events: hostile actions of EDEN against Bulgaria, not obeying BASTUN’s Treaty and it’s policy about leaking information, unfruitful negotiations, which resulted in the instability of the alliance - a vote was held within the summit and the following decisions were made:

- EDEN's privileges are temporarily suspended - such as talking, telling what to do and what not and giving ANY orders until EDEN pays compensation of 3000 Gold compensation fee to the Bastun squad, for the bulgarian inluence in Mazadagandaran, or untill the little boys, called Eden HQ, going grow up and know what they want.

- Bastun squad sets no more Eden priorities as MU order! Our priority at the next time will be to get mercenary medals for all our members. Bastun squad will cut the Eden Tree and make from it walking sticks! So ONE will be the next month again the strongest alliance.

- If Bastun squad hears any new order from the actuall Eden HQ, Bastun squad will set up following to Eden's HQ:

Dyadovia bastun! (The grandpa's walking stick)

Eden suspended!

бг превод - скоро!