[insert empty promises about membership numbers] - Jamesw for TUP PP

Day 839, 06:38 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great
We must progress through unity; We are The Unity Party; more teamwork - more success

I will try to keep it short: I dont want a revolution, I seek to bring about an evolution. We haven't lost our way; we don't need drastic change. We are progressing well, on the back of record congress results and a hugely successful presidential campaign; no-one should seek to change a lot. We are on the right track, and make no mistake: we will succeed. I believe my proposals will lend themselves to this success, and will focus on these key areas: Recruitment, Media, Institutions, some electoral tweaks as well as the creation of the post of Vice Party President.

Yes, its long. So for all of you tl;dr, I have prepared this instea😛

- More thorough recruitment
- Better, centrally organized media presence
- Council of Unity made up of tomorrows Party Presidents, not yesterdays
- Backup candidates for CP and Congress elections (with campaigns & manifestos)
- Create the post of Vice Party President (who would be a natural successor to any PP, should no other candidates put themselves forward)

--- Now for the long bit ---

We need to know where we are, before we can begin to discuss where we want to be

- Consolidation
We need to know where we are at. Our forum group contains users who left long ago, I propose to begin actively messaging all forum group members to see who is alive, who is simply a shadow user*, and seek to remove the inactive, and re-invigorate those who are active yet don't contribute. This will enable us to measure how successful future recruitment campaigns are: as we can see how many new contributors we have.

* Someone who, through fear, fatigue or apathy sees our activity, but does not get involved.

- Integration
We need to get people on the forums. This isn't just for our benefit. It directs people to the active part of the eUK, and removes the age old problem: "I've worked, I've traine😛 now what?" Engaging people with the forums shows them the other side: the better side: The eUK Community. The retention problem is going to rear its head again, and again - We don't need hospitals: we need to get more users interested in the game, we need more users on the forums, in the navy, contributing and getting involved. Not only will this pay dividends for us in terms of ushering in the next generation of congressmen, ministers, even presidents: it will also force other parties to step up their game; engage, educate and share with their members instead of blinding them.

- Recruitment
Whilst some people recruit by throwing money at the problem, we don't. We never have done, and I would hope we never will do. That isn't to say we don't do any advertising: rather, we should use our advertising in conjunction with the government: any adverts we do, are adverts they don't need to. If elected, I will be supporting MoD articles through TUP-backed adverts, as well as any MoHA campaigns. Our government shouldn't use our gold on ads: party and country benefits are not mutually exclusive.

If we cannot spread our message, how can we be successful?

The one actual change I wish to implement is to begin a party-wide initiative to ensure our media presence is increased. We are not the worst, indeed without a little help from their friends, few can beat us; I believe that we are the most media strong party; but that isn't enough for me. Our articles usually get into the top 5 with around 80 votes. This isn't acceptable. We should be able to get to the top; we should have a minimum of 150 votes at our disposal. This is why I propose that as a party, we look in our pockets, dig out our old change and try to improve:

- Firstly, everyone with empty orgs will be asked to share access, allowing our Council of Unity to vote up any vital articles, in congress and presidential elections.
- Secondly, I will seek to sell advertising from the party accounts in exchange for tangible gold, used to buy more orgs. For every 1G donated, I would offer 1.5G worth of advertising. At a glance, this would mean we could afford a further 15 orgs, allowing for the cost of my aforementioned recruitment campaign.

Beautiful, no?

Our current institutions are enshrined in the constitution. We have our Council of Unity, and our Party President. Currently, the council is made up of experienced members, ex party presidents, who advise and assist the Party President, whilst filling in for any absences. I see this institution as a glance at the past, a window into our past endeavours. I would seek to change the council so it is made up of the future - the council would primarily be made up of members who have aspirations of being Party President; and would work collectively under the guidance of the Vice Party President (explained here) to organise, assist and implement party plans and the general work of organising campaigns and the Party President. This would enable the fresh blood of the party to get involved; taking the party to the roots and empowering the very members who ensure our continued success. This is advantageous in many respects: it gives new players a reason to get on the forums, and an insight into the inner mechanisms, but it also gives the Party Presidents of tomorrow experience of the "grinding cogs" of the party, so that in their future endeavours they are not caught off guard. We are the unity party, not the Party President's party - we should focus on working together

Elections: sometimes we get it absolutely right, sometimes its hit and miss. Whilst this months campaign went off flawlessly (congratulations again Karacticus), the previous month we didn't have the same fate. Our candidate backed out at the last minute, forcing us field a candidate who had no intention of campaigning. How could we have avoided this?

- Presidential Elections

By formulating a backup plan - for Presidential, Party and Congressional elections. I would seek to ensure that our party has a backup campaign, and a backup candidate, both of which would be decided at the next party conference. All it would take is a couple of days to sort out a satisfactory campaign, and poll the membership on who we would be happy to support. This would then ensure that if, at any time in the future, we have a candidate who has not at minimum announced his candidacy to the country, as well as provided their manifestos to the party to evaluate and critique 5 days before the election, we have an alternative candidate who is prepared and motivated.

-Congressional Elections

If we had a "backup list" of 5 candidates, this should ensure that anyone who forgets to put their candidacy up, disappears or changes their mind can be adequately replaced at short notice.

-Party President Elections

To solve any problems with Party President elections, or should a future PP go missing, I intend to create the post of Vice Party President - who would head up our new and improved council of unity with the Party President, and would step in as President, in the event of an absent Party President, and who would be able to replace the Party President should no-one else seek to. On that note, I would like to announce I have approached Coram Boy, who has agreed to be my Vice Party President this term. Hopefully, together we can all progress.

Come the 15th, I wish my competitors luck, and hope that as a party we can get behind the eventual winner to bring about another month of success.