THE CAVE: Day 1,292

Day 1,292, 14:55 Published in USA USA by Chutley

(New masthead for this series arriving shortly - I hope)

THE CAVE: Day 1,292

Again, special mention needs to be given to the American Idol contest found on Civil Anarchy’s paper. Please check it out if you haven't already. Yesterday I linked to entries by Jason Welsh, Mr. Peanuts, Gnilraps, and Phoenix Quinn.

Alexander_Auctoritas' entry is here.

Still waiting on the others.

Stephen Goldsmith is becoming more active. Paper is here.

Bullwinkle is still doing history quizzes.

Pheno Sony quits in style, though the jury is still out on whether he's actually quitting.

Kishvier is on top of current economics.

That’s it for today. Again, please feel free to link to your new articles in the comment section.

Caveman out,
Nice Chutley