Please check the mail

Day 5,972, 02:08 Published in USA Ireland by Galloglaigh

I was born in this game prior to this account in December 2008. The eUSA has had it times of doubt, ridicule, and scorn. Most generally coming in the form of reality as opposed to the game meta.

The game meta generally describes the eUSA as pig-disgusting and capitalist. There was a dude Alan so-and-so who touted the largest eBank and stock market. He was permanently banned and all your gold went with him.

The more I played away from the eUSA the bettering the game I felt I was doing, however, almost all of my suggestions were ignored and what little did seem convenient to Admins purse were presued.

I'm writing this article to gather support for a new mentality of gaming. I believe the eUSA should become neutral. The Fifty-one territories should become free from the hands of Training War "partners."

When this occurs then we can hold boarder wars. Or perhaps join an alliance that doesn't have such a flaky connection with both the real world and the meta world.


A dude looking for citizenship

PS - I am not particularly interested in politics or anything. Merely seeking out new company.