Day 1999 熱血戰報 - COT公關、TWO外長訪問 (新增CoT 最高司令 Stolch 回應)!!

Day 1,999, 10:22 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Jewelz Cheng

嗨~大家好~又是我JC XD

為了讓大家對加入聯盟的事情更了解, JC想再寫一篇

凡事都要Hope for the best, prepare for the worst; 做最壞的打算, 做最好的準備
雖然在總統府的初步咨詢中, 民意普遍傾向TWO(JC也是傾向TWO), 但如果單純是在情感上"不想跟eSK在一起"而棄COT選TWO, 是很危險(被葉赫巴頭

跟我們eROC本島接壤的包括COT的eSK, eJP, eU, eIndo, 還有仍在Eden的eC
Eden 已宣佈解散, eC國內也在討論聯盟的事, eC 跟eROC雖是好基友, 但畢竟國家在軍事和外交決策上也各自有其考量, 所以eC不一定會跟eROC加入同一聯盟的, 如果eC也加入了COT而eROC入TWO, 我們則全被COT包圍, eROC只有4塊, 被5個COT成員包圍, 如同時被NE的話, 可能很快被滅, 尤其是...我們擁有eUS所缺的魚膠

而且聽說eRep也快推出韓文UI, 這也許會帶起eSK新人潮

如eROC真的被滅, 那我們就發郵票也不一定是壞事
畢竟簽了NAP以後, 加上金礦, eROC死人和移民外國很多
eRep也是以戰爭為主的遊戲, 和平太久就變成FB
所以如果大家要加入TWO, 雖然可打eSK eJP爽, 但也得承受被滅風險

如eROC要加COT, 那我們就該無法向eSK租地, 更不能打eSK eJP
只能醬油到雞死, 但雞死前, 玩家也不知餘下多少沒死


J = Jewelz Cheng
D = COT公關 DarkMistressTheExecutrix

J: 嗨,先生,我是eROC的JC,你該知道,我們現在不在任何聯盟,並希望知道有沒有任何聯盟會歡迎我們。

Hi Sir,

The is JC from eROC, as you may know, we are now not in any alliance and would like to see if any alliance would welcome us.
I am about to write an article to brief our citizens. So actually we would need some thoughts of yours.

Shall we have a very short Q&A here?
thanks a lot 🙂

D : 沒問題🙂

No problem 🙂
Here or in IRC (I'm in many channels, you can try #bg-mofa) is good for me 🙂

J: 由於不同的時區...我們在這裡吧🙂
畢竟兩三個月前我們才跟eSK, eJP, eUS2打過,總部和其他成員國會歡迎我們嗎?

Here would be fine, due to the time different 🙂

The first simple question is, do you think CoT may welcome eROC?
As we have fought with eSK, eJP and eUS 2-3 months ago, will the HQ and the members welcome us?

D : COT從來只會向前看。我們聯盟有前EDEN、前ONE、前TERRA、的成員。每一個新成員都走過不同的路來到我們這裡,但只要他們表明這是他們的選擇(當然也是他們人民的選擇),我們就樂意提供機會給大家🙂

CoT has never had problems with looking only forward and never in the pass. We are an alliance that has exEDEN, exONE, exTERRA members. Every new member has had a different path to us, but as long as they show this is their choice (and the people ofc), then we give a chance to everyone 🙂
Some of our members were considered enemies between each other months ago, but now fight together.
It all comes down to the willingness.
I do think that with the right conversations and explanations what CoT stands for, then the doors are open!

J: 我們很高興知道COT持著開放的態度

We are glad to know the CoT has am open mind, as the eROC is surrounded by the eUS, eChina, eIndonesia, eJP and eSk, and it's only eChina is not belongs to CoT
We eRoc indeed is having a good relationship with eChina, um what do you think if eRoc is joining CoT and eChina might be joining another strong alliance, let's say the TWO?

D : 現在有些TWO和COT的成員之間的關係緊張,但是我們仍然跟其中有很多國家有MPP。有一個朋友在另一個聯盟不是罪!如果兩個聯盟之間開戰,而你在COT、中國在TWO,MPP會噴掉,你也可以打他們

There is a little tension between some members of TWO and CoT now, but we still have MPPs with many of them. To have a friends in another alliance is not a crime! IF a war starts one day between the two alliances and you are in CoT and China in TWO, you won't be able to have MPP with them for that time being and you might fight against some of them in a random battle.
But many countries have done that. Bulgaria and Russia have not been in the same alliance since PEACE 😃 still we remained friends! Macedonia and Serbia are not in the same alliance, but they are still friends 🙂 the US joined, thought is was mostly affiliated with other countries before and so on...

As long as you know your friendship is strong and both countries respect the other one's decision and don't blame the players for fighting in a certain battle, then the alliance shouldn't be an issue.

J: 這該讓我們感到輕鬆很多😃

That should relief us a lot😃
Finally, what's the benefit u might expect eROC might bring to the COT?

D : 我們對所有成員的期望是一致的: 友誼, 和了解大家都是平等。雖然我們有起伏(像現在與立陶宛)我們真的嘗試照顧大家。


We expect that from everyone- friendship and understanding we are all equal in the alliance. Though we have ups and downs (like now with Lithuania) we do really try to look out for all.
Size and damage doesn't matter so much to us, that is not and will never be Number 1! Yes- is is nice to have strong friends 😃 But we think it will get you only half of the way. Some do try to imply we chose the members that way, but then I guess they never actually knew the full list of members and our variety.

You will bring to CoT new friends, new way of thinking, new collaborations, more fun (hehe) and we hope to give that back too.
Military help we think is not even worth bothering to mention, because it is obvious! A CoT member is never left behind!

J: 所以信任圈(COT)真的是充滿了信任😃

so the circle of trust is really full of trust 😃
thanks a lot for spending the time there, this is the very first time i try to do FA stuff, please forgive me if my performance is not perfect
thanks again, when my article is published , i will send you a copy, cheers 🙂

D : 這是我的榮幸🙂o7

My pleasure 🙂 o7

J = Jewelz Cheng
M = TWO外長 Mininuns

J: 嗨,先生,我是eROC的JC,你該知道,我們現在不在任何聯盟,並希望知道有沒有任何聯盟會歡迎我們。

Hi Sir,

The is JC from eROC, as you may know, we are now not in any alliance and would like to see if any alliance would welcome us.
I am about to write an article to brief our citizens. So actually we would need some thoughts of yours.

Shall we have a very short Q&A here?
thanks a lot 🙂

M: 你好,很高興認識你!當然,你可以問我任何你想知的😉不客氣!如果有需要,不要猶豫與我聯繫!


Nice to meet you! Sure, you can ask me whatever you want 😉 You're welcome! If you need something else, do not hesitate to contact me!

J: 我們都知道,TWO是一個非常強大的聯盟,有非常強的成員,尤其是eSerbia,ePoland,eSpain等! eROC是相對非常小的弱國,第一件事就是,TWO會歡迎我們嗎?
如果是的話,TWO將如何使用我們非常特殊的地理位置? (旁邊坐著eUS和eChina,我們有橡膠資源,並跟eChina有良好的長期合作關係等

As we all know that, the Two is a very strong alliance and having very strong members, especially the eSerbia, ePoland, eSpain etc! And eRoc is relatively a very small and weak country, the first thing is, would Two welcome us?
If yes, how would the Two use our very special geographical location? (sitting next to US and china and with rubber resources, and having good long term relationship with eChina etc

M: 是。事實上,我們已經在討論有關你的加入,所有成員國(除了一位成員國外,沒有表達其意見),都接受你加入ACT(Associated Countries of TWO, TWO聯繫國, 受到TWO保護)😁

Yes. In fact, we already talked about your entrance and all countries -except one, which did not want to express its opinion- accepted you in ACT 😁

We would first ask you about your plans, and we would then think in a way to improve your situation, together with our alliance's one. We would sign MPPs with you asap and -for sure- defend your interests. Alliances stand for this purpose 😁

J: 這令人動容......我不能相信我們是如此受尊重......

It's impressive...I can't believe we were so highly respected ...
As we are surrounded by those Cot countries and eChina, & eChina is rather a strong country and is our very good partner
However, there is still possible eChina may join Cot while eRoc will join Two, what do the Hq think about this ?

M: 當然😁
我認為eROC和eChina應該加入TWO。你倆目標一致,你的立場是反美(JC: 主要該是反eSK...)。我們的立場也是反美,所以我們將能做點事😉

Of course 😁

I think eRoC and China should join TWO. You both share a common goal, and your stance is anti-US. Our stance is anti-US too, so we will be able to do something about it 😉

If China enters in CoT, they will have to do what the US and Bulgaria says. It was Bulgaria and Chile before, but anyway. I just can't imagine a puppet-China.

J: 我也希望eChina 和eROC將加入同一聯盟,哈哈(個人也傾向TWO)

I hope both the eChina and eROC would be joining the same alliance too, haha(personally prefer TWO)
But eROC is relatively a weaker country, what's the benefit might eROC bring to TWO as you might have expected?

M: Well,eROC地圖上的位置是很棒的。你周圍是​​一些COT的弱國,如果你你們是TWO就能夠輕鬆在戰爭開始時就擊潰他們。
此外,你有中國這好基友,如果你同時是TWO成員,eUS不敢打你們的,如果他們這樣做,他們會被GG 😵

Well, your position on the map is great. You are surrounded by some CoT weak countries, and if you are in TWO you guys will be able to beat them without any problem when the war starts.

Moreover, you have China's friendship, and the US will not attack you if you are in TWO. If they did, they would suffer x)

J: 哈哈,這也是我可以預見的事情

haha, that's what i can see as well
thanks alot for spend the time with me here, i will have this translated and published within the weekend, i will send you a copy afterwards

cheers 🙂

M: 好哥們嘛,不用客氣\O/如果你需要我,私信我:D

You are welcome, my friend \o/ If you need me, send me a PM 😃
I am looking forward to your reply!

Take care 🙂

新增CoT 最高司令 Stolch 回應!!!!


我只是為了澄清CoT的位置,對於探索與EROC的關係,CoT是持開放態度的,而且並不是建基於傷害交易上。 COT是一種遊戲風格: 團隊合作、相互尊重、平等、分享所有好與壞的。


COT是以人為本的(現在已是某國的風格)。 (JC: 美國??)


因此,在本質上,如果你想即時得到滿足,那麼你參加ACT(並不是TWO,它是一個屈從聯盟),如果你渴望更多,你應該開始走一條充滿荊棘的路: 開始跟CoT建立關係。

簡單的選擇也許能真的能得到瞬間、但虛無縹緲的滿足。但到最後,走一條難走的路,你可能獲得更多(看會智利,墨西哥和秘魯, 1年前人口加上來還比eROC少)。


beware of friends too eager and foes too quiet, both have the same designs for you.

Just to clarify CoT position, it is open to exploring a relationship with eRoC, but it is not by any means going to be making a "damage" transaction. CoT is a style of game play, one based on teamwork, mutual respect and equality for all members and sharing good and bad.

For CoT the community is important, battles happen everyday, pixels are won and lost, players are the treasure of all countries, not bonuses, not damage and hate.

CoT is based on pro-peoples approach of the members of the alliance and not anti-(enter XXX country fashionable right now).

Joining CoT is not as simple as deciding we're CoT from tomorrow, it takes time and effort on both sides.

So in essence if you want the possibility of instant gratification then you join ACT (that is not TWO by the way, it is a subservient alliance), if you aspire for more then you start the hard road of building relations with CoT.

Simple choice really the easy way with instant but fleeting gratification (maybe) or the hard road at the end of which you may achieve much more then you tough posible even before starting (it is enough to see Chile, MExico and Peru, all of which together 1 year ago had less population then eRoC alone).

Good luck with the path you choose, only time can reveal the merit of the choice.


~2013 1月CP 葉赫