[M&N][Real Life] The row between Taiwan and Philippine!!

Day 2,005, 02:22 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty

Greetings to every players in erepublik here,

I am Love of Hua, one of the citizen in eROC and as well as ROC in RL. Although I always claim that we shouldn't link RL to this game since it's a new world, however, this game is also considered to be a community media which is similar to facebook, twitter or even blogs. So, I'd like to share a story which is related to Taiwan and philippine in RL today, because I am too angry to keep silence. But plz, plz excuse my limited English and read this article carefully.

給雞看的(Here's the EES):

Here's the story:

A 65-yrs old Taiwanese fisherman was shot (murdered) on 9 May by heavily-armed Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) with 52 bullet holes on the unarmed fishing vessel from a high-power machine gun on the overlapped exclusive economic sea.

At the first, the woman spokesman of Philippine still laughed when she was asked about the event.


and today, the Philippine government gave a official announcement, but there are full of lies in the announcement, which some Taiwanese summarized as below:

Philippine gov.: Fishing boat rammed PCG ship, it's a provocative action.
The truth:
- No rammed damage was found on the fishing boat, as figure shown below.
- A 15 tons unarmed boat provokes 90 tons guard ship does not make any sense at all.

Philippine gov.: Only two shoots to the boat.
The Truth is in the picture, just image how bad the situation is...
(The left is inside the boat, and the right shows the shoot holes observed by ministry of justice in Taiwan.)


Moreover, till now, Philippine government still refuse to show the VCR of PCG, indicating they are covering up for their violent action.

For me, in this article, I just want to share the truths that Philippine government trying to cover. They try to confuse and mislead international medias and other countries, since their official language is English but we speak Chinese in Taiwan.

The chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia and Pacific Affairs in US, Steve Chabot, and the ranking member Eni Faleomavaega, calling the shooting "an act of violence" that was "in violation of international law." They called upon the Philippines to promptly and sincerely respond to the requests of the Taiwan government to apologize, punish the perpetrators and provide proper compensation to the victim's family based on humanitarian grounds.
(From the NEWS: U.S. hopes for resolution of Taiwan-Philippines row)

Finally to mention, we already created an petition to the white house, and here's the link: Provide necessary assistance to prevent Taiwanese people from being murdered by Philippines and rebuild friendship.

We need your help and plz share the truth to all over the world in eRepublik.

Other articles:
[BT] Philippines Government, YOU ARE LIAR!(EN version) (Volume 35)

More information:

The report from BBC: Taiwan holds military drills amid Philippine row
and the Chinese translation: [真實] RL外電:來看看BBC對這次的台菲事件如何報導 (34期)

Thanks for anyone who read this article patiently, and Plz kindly inform me if there is any mistake.

Love of Hua



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