Titanium MU alliance

Day 2,761, 19:05 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Titanium MU Alliance

Hello soldiers of Titanium
Today we want to share dream that some of us have. We want to join forces with some strong military units, so we could together show the eworld, how strong, coordinated, loyal unique breed of warriors we are.
We reformed Titanium, now its time to complete our true dream. We lost our friends from “MORA” but we found loyal and strong friends in Black Academi from Iran.

Titanium is Family
As ever before, Titanium will continue fighting for Asteria, and proAsteria countries. We are fighting for our friends and brothers all the time.
The difference is, now Titanium is going to initiate "Rush Time". During that period, members of Titanium will fight together, "shoulder to shoulder", "side by side" in one, chosen campaign!
Titanium command will set DO from all 4 MU s! Further information will be posted by commander's Shoutbox in the MU feed.

Titanium is now selling damage!

Titanium soldiers will fight in your campaign and the Titanium Organization will
receve 10000 cc for setting daily order for you. Only with free food fights, we can do 10+ billions of damage in every campaign!
In the end, in the unlikely event that we lose the campaign, we will return 50% of the fee back to you.

Titanium Ranger Platoon
If campaign will prove very difficult, we can offer you extra help from our well known "tankers".
We can negotiate price for additional fighting/tanking when the time comes to that.

Damage prices
In short, you can purchase our damage for:
- Advanced planned campaigns
- An urgent need for damage
If we are informed in advance, price will be as mentioned 10k per campain. If you urgently need our DMG, then we can send "ranger platoon" to your target campain.

MTO operations
If Titanium is under attack by hostile forces, members from all MU s will join MU in danger, and all members will wear Titanium avatars
Hail BA (Iran)
Hail MEK (Portugal)
Hail Nemesis (Romania)
Hail SD (Slovenia)

Titanium HQ/contact
General for this Month: Sepandiar the invulnerable
Coordinator: IonutO
Assistant: Colonel Bruce

channel: #titanium.public
