Eden: The Brotherhood is Here to Stay

Day 1,199, 15:43 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Eden is here to stay, forever.

Recent months have seen massive changes in the Foreign Policy of certain nations of eRepublik. Throughout these controversial events one entity has stood firm despite suffering setbacks that would have(and has) crushed lesser alliances. EDEN. The Brotherhood remains intact. These tribulations have only served to make the bonds of the true Brotherhood stronger. Loyalties of all Brothers have been tested to the maximum. The Brotherhood has passed these tests, where others have failed. We have not given in to the hype and propaganda that has lured others into treachery. Eden now has something that Gold or money cannot buy- Undying Trust between member nations.

As in the past, the key to Edens future success will be this-
The most important member of the alliance is not your own country. It is every other member, for if they fall then you are left standing on your own. Willingness to sacrifice and co-operate for the greater good of all member nations is the Eden way. A loss for a fellow member nation should be felt as deeply as a loss of one of your own regions. Equally every victory is one that is shared with equal joy for all. Eden has passed the toughest of tests and remains standing stronger than ever. Eden is one. Eden is united. Eden is here to stay. Forever.

Thank You

A massive thank you must go to the outgoing Eden HQ. Their job was not an easy one but they performed to the highest possible standards in difficult circumstances. The Brotherhood of Eden owes them a huge thank you for their loyal service.

Eden Logo Competition

We are holding a re-branding competition. All designers can participate by sending the link of their new logo via pm to this org. The competition will be open for 1 week and the winner will receive 5 GOLD.


Supreme Commander


Assistant Supreme Commanders


Gabriel Lavanche

PR Manager


This month, the Eden team will strive to keep all citizens informed and is committed to raising our media presence to the best possible standard.