EDEN Stands Strong!

Day 1,184, 16:36 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

EDEN once again showed our united strength and resolve last night, pushing back the eSerbian hordes from the regions of our Brotherhood. With the success of the resistance war in Brčko District, eBosnia and Herzegovina(eBiH) is again on the map.

While today is certainly a day for celebration, EDEN continues to plan the liberation of the remaining eBiH regions, as well as the continued global campaign to rebuf the aggression of any threats to the Brotherhood. As has been the case since the founding of EDEN, we will continue to advance the economic, social and militaristic goals of our membership.

While other alliances squabble over strength and are just getting themselves organized, EDEN stands tall, capable and united. Whether we are forcing Serbia out of Croatia, freeing Ukraine's regions, or blocking Indo PTOs in Australia, the EDEN tree continues to flourish.

With the destruction of the Phoenix alliance, EDEN fulfilled one of its long-term goals of protecting its membership from the former nuisance. In the coming days, the Brotherhood will continue to monitor the eWorld for threats to our members and as always will face them head on.

For the time being however, we can add our victory in liberating the eBiH capital to the long list of success earned by the valliant soldiers of the Brotherhood and raise our glasses in praise:
Hail Australia!
Hail Bosnia and Herzogovina!
Hail Bulgaria!
Hail Canada!
Hail China!
Hail Croatia!
Hail Finland!
Hail Greece!
Hail Italy!
Hail Norway!
Hail Romania!
Hail Sweden!
Hail EDEN!

The world’s largest Alliance still going Strong.

Supreme Commander - avec
Assistant Supreme Commander - SturmmannIYI
Military Commanders - diuras & jsboutin
And the rest of the team: alpho, Ariakis, Atea, Lavanche, Petsku, radens