Current Analysis of War by LTiger726

Day 2,112, 14:37 Published in USA Canada by Tim Neuret
Current Standings
By: LTiger726

Hello eUS citizens,

This article will be about eMuricas most important battles today. There are 4 battles. Two are for eUS and two for eBiH.

The number one concern right now is BiH against India for Bihar. BiH has 73 and India has 48. In order to fight in this battle you need to move to one of Bosnia's territories for 60 USD. The battles almost over, so lets finish it strong.

The second priority is also for BiH. They are trying to take Vojvodina from Serbia. Right now BiH has the upper hand of 40-15, but its still early so it might change soon. Keep your eye on that battle, we might need you to fight there.

The next two battles are advised that you don't fight in them.

The number three battle for US is defending Arizona against Poland. Poland is beating us 55-0. Don't worry, we can always get Arizona back later. I believe it is better to lose this battle now and win Arizona back later when we have a plan over trying to catch up to Poland when we're at a disadvantage and end up losing the battle and wasting damage.

The lowest priority battle would be to regain Texas from Mexico. Mexico is holding the state right now to help us against attacks from the west, so let them keep Texas for now. We can get it back later when Poland is out.

These are the 4 battles that the US is currently fighting in. I hope this article helped you to know where to put you damage.