Peace Proposition Between Brazil and México

Day 1,017, 21:41 Published in Brazil Mexico by Boletin oficial del Gobierno

I'm Benefactor, the President of Mexico, I'll take just a minute of your time.

México just sent a Peace Proposition. As you know last month former presidents Jazar and iPika accorded the war to swap regions and give strategic advance on the war with Spain.

Today with the recent Spanish situation we launched 3 attacks on mexican territories controled by Spain. We can't survive a counter attack, so please approve the Peace proposition in order to make a MPP as soon we have the gold needed.

Our last peace proposition was rejected. I talked about that proposition with President Vigoncalves86, he agreed but the law was rejected. I did the same today. Hope you can approve this in order to reestablish commerce and of course our MPPs.

We thank you for the help you have offered us last and current months, as you know you can count on us as allies. We are small and weak in quantity, but we always know who our friends are, and Brazil has always help us

Thanks and Best Regards!!!