Epic Fail | Epic Win - different points of view

Day 741, 11:38 Published in Indonesia Brazil by Dio Jazar

This was a busy weekend, I spent my whole friday helping wonder to organize some Tanks to fight, helping brazilian army and taking care of my duties as a diplomat and politician.

It is true that Hungary lost a battle where the wall reached -800k, and that serbia wall reached low levels also, but it is also true that we started our campaign to recover belgium from Romanians PTOers, Peru from Polish PTOers and Finland from Finnish PTOes 😛

Who won? I would say it was a draw, but we had fun. Many former ATLANTIS members, that now use the name EDEN, claim that we had an Epic Fail, but this is their point of view.

For countries like Brasil, Indonesia, Hungary, UK, Serbia, Russia and others former PEACE countries, Epic Win is when you win a battle alone against 10 or more MPPs.

For Croatia, USA, Finland and others former ATLANTIS members, Epic Win is when you win a battle fighting with 15+ allies against one single country.

For former PEACE countries, Epic Fail is when you loose 16k gold in a single shot.

For former ATLANTIS countries, Epic Fail is when you prefer to spend 3k gold to swap regions defend your Ally besides spending 5k trying to recover the territories.

Everything is about your point of view!